BEAU BOWEN Talk New Album, Influences And More

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Supplied By Lisa Davies Promotions
We at JLTT are always looking to introduce you to new artists and music to our readers. We sat down with avant-garde duo BEAU BOWEN to talk about their new album and more:
Who is in BEAU BOWEN and what do they play?
BEAU BOWEN are Monti & CJ, a couple of outstanding musical genius. We sing, play electric guitar, synthesizers, drums… all topped off with Monti’s Theremin. A very ethereal and mysterious electrical transistor. We are eclectic and electric!
Your new album ‘A Thrilling Romance’ is released in 2024. How did you want to approach the making of the record?
We wrote a love story and following this let our subconscious take over, turning each and every chapter into a wonderful new sound world. Each track on the album is one of these sound worlds.
Where did you record it and who produced it?
We live in a five hundred year old barn, which is where we have our music studio, and we record and produce our Records ourselves.
Do you have any interesting, funny or memorable stories from the recording sessions?
Absolutely massive explosions and passionate arguments over something as small as a single note within our music! Every note counts – don’t forget that!
In addition, you have your new single ‘Dreams With You’ which is out now. What was the inspiration/story behind the song?
It’s a dream within the new Album: “A Thrilling Romance”.
Come to the next magnificent BEAU BOWEN show to hear the full story!
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals?
The electric guitar is the perfect weapon for the stage! At our show you’ll see our sensational BEAU BOWEN custom made Guitar – known as “THE SPARK”.
It’s electric!
Be there or be square!
Do you have any live plans for 2024 in the UK and Europe?
You must come to the next show. It is out of this world!
And it’s going to be an exciting year… come and follow us on Instagram @beaubowenarewe to keep track of where the show goes next!
How do you look after your voices?
We don’t drink and we don’t smoke.
Where and when did you both meet?
We became joined at the hip from the very first moment we met, this was back in early 2020. We met through Monti’s brother and it was musical harmony from the get go… we knew we were going to spend our whole life together writing music!
Was it a difficult album to write?
Music is never difficult for us to write. It’s always a joy, and we simply express ourselves. The notes just fly out of us. Music is a language and we have a lot to say.
You are given the opportunity to write and create the score/soundtrack for your favourite book/graphic novel. Which book/graphic novel would that be and how would you approach that task?
There are by far too many beautiful novels/books to choose from, but off the top of our heads it would have to be Anthony Burgess’s – “A Clockwork Orange” (1962).
A very striking novel. We would start by re-reading the book to gain even more understanding that will then automatically translate into music. We are also classical score-writers of music and so all the music that we write is always written down on music manuscript.
Who are your musical influences?
We are each other’s musical influences more than anything else in this world. We live in a musical pressure cooker with each other and it is very explosive!
What makes Beau Bowen happy and what makes you unhappy?
BEAU BOWEN is most happy when performing to an audience who is completely transported to another universe. We gain our happiness through making others happy through our music. If anything were to stop this process, that would make us very unhappy indeed. All power to the music!
Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By Lisa Davies Promotions
BEAU BOWEN’s new album ‘A Thrilling Romance’ is released in 2024.
For more information visit their official website here: