Chris Pope Talks The Chords UK, New Album And More

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Supplied By Chris Hewlett PR
The Chords UK, the alt-rock heroes helmed by Chris Pope, will release the mammoth 44-track ‘But Then Again: The Best of The Chords UK’ on 2LP [plus bonus CD], 3CD and digital formats on Friday 4th April 2025 on EPOP Records. Chris Pope kindly spoke to us about the band, new record and more:
When did you begin songwriting?
I started writing songs in 1978. The first one I was actually confident enough to play to the band was ‘Now it’s Gone’ which went on to be our debut single in Sept 79.
What is your earliest musical memory?
Must have been hearing The Beatles in our front room on a Dansette record player.
My Dad was a big fan of them and The Stones.
Who is in The Chords UK, how did you meet and what do they play?
The Chords UK are;
· Chris Pope, Lead Vox/ Guitars.
· Sandy Michie, Guitars, B Vox
· Kenny Cooper, Drums
· Mic Stoner, Bass, B Vox
I met Mic & Ken through the Mod Band Scene back around 2010. We started gigging soon after that.
Sandy was in a great blues band that used to support my Band Pope. He joined a few years later.
The Chords will release a mammoth 44-track ‘But Then Again: The Best of The Chords UK’ on Friday 4th April 2025. Was it difficult selecting which songs to include on the release?
Yes, it was! So, I ended up picking ones that always go down really well when we play live, ones that meant something to me personally, others that I felt were a bit Left-Field. Plus, a dozen unreleased tracks and a few acoustic versions of original Chords tunes.
You have also released the single ‘World Gone Crazy’. What is the inspiration/story behind that track?
These are strange days indeed. Mad men on the rampage. Fake News everywhere. Thought I’d put my thoughts down on ‘What’s Going On’, hence the latest single ‘World Gone Crazy ‘.
The single is accompanied by an official music video. What was the thought process behind the video and who directed it?
I did it myself. I’m still learning (lol !!) how to work out some MS Software.
So, basically it was just me, my phone, in my front room throwing a few shapes, singing the tune.
I added some old clips from anywhere I could find them and put it all together on a laptop.
Which of your album tracks hear you at your a) happiest, b) angriest and c) most reflective?
Happiest. ‘ One Happy Man or ‘ Leave It All Behind’
Angriest. ‘Last Man Still Standing or ‘Gentrified the Elephant’
Most reflective. ‘Love’s Still Here ‘or ‘But then Again ‘ (the Title track of the album)
What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
To know I’ve given my all and to have connected with the people who’ve come to see us that night.
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?
I used to love playing My Les Paul Pro. I recently moved to a Telecaster.
Don’t tend to use much effects etc. A Delay and Booster pedals just for good measure.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
London: Dirty, Fast, Crazy, Blunt & Brash
How do you look after your voice?
With difficulty. On tour I take vocal zones and try and talk as little as possible during the day.
Which probably suits All ‘n’ Sundry!!
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
I always liked Tom Sharpe’s novels especially ‘Blott on The Landscape’. An MP of few principles, set in Middle England, Mad Cap characters. A good Ol ‘caper with plots, sub-plots. Right up my street. Now where’s my Guitar and Pen?
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
Ray Davies, Pete Townshend, Difford & Tilbrook, Strummer & Jones, Early 70’s Bowie & Genesis.
I recommend later period XTC.
Do you have any live dates planned in the UK/Europe in 2025?
Yes! The Best of ‘ But Then Again ‘ tour in APRIL – MAY.
The 45th Anniversary ‘So Far Away’ Tour in OCT- NOV
Festivals and European dates through the Summer.
What makes Chris Pope happy and what makes you unhappy?
Happy: My wife, my cat, my band, going on tour & meeting people at our gigs.
Unhappy: having none of the above in my life.

Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By Chris Hewlett PR
The Chords UK, helmed by Chris Pope, will release the mammoth 44-track ‘But Then Again: The Best of The Chords UK’ on 2LP [plus bonus CD], 3CD and digital formats on Friday 4th April 2025 on EPOP Records.
Pre-order the album here:
For tickets and more information visit their official website here: