Chris Simmons Talks New Christmas Single And More

Friend of JLTT singer-songwriter Chris Simmons has launched a heartfelt Christmas single, A Cold December, to support bereavement charity AtaLoss. Released to coincide with National Grief Awareness Week, the track channels Chris’ personal journey with loss into a song of hope, remembrance, and resilience. Profits after costs from CD and download sales will go to AtaLoss, a charity dedicated to providing support for those coping with grief. He very kindly chatted to us about the track and more:
When did you begin songwriting?
I started writing as soon as I was learning the guitar. It seemed natural to me that I should play around with things whilst I didn’t know what chords were!
What is your earliest musical memory?
My earliest musical memory is being in the car with my mum on the way to first school and hearing Some Guys Have All The Luck by Rod Stewart on the radio!
Your new single “A Cold December” is out now digitally. What was the inspiration/story behind the track?
It’s a song about how Christmas isn’t an easy ride for people. It’s in no way a sad song; more a song that tries to frame remembrance as a positive, warming thing.
Where did you record the track and who produced it?
I recorded the track in Nottingham in a day. Guy Pratt added the Bass line remotely, and Ben Trigg and Marianne Haynes added strings remotely from Ireland. Luke Buttery produced it.
Do you have any interesting, funny or memorable stories from the recording sessions?
We originally tried using an older guitar part to build the song around, but we realised that a different key would work better so we scrapped that session and started again completely from scratch. The hand claps were recorded by me running up and down a massive stairwell so each clap sounded different. We recorded this at 11pm in a residential block so it was a race against before being told to shut up before we were done!
Did you use any particular instruments, microphones, recording equipment to help you get a particular sound/tone for the record?
My acoustic is a Gibson J45 that was very kindly gifted to me by Passenger after a run of shows with him. It’s a stunning guitar.
What does Christmas mean to you?
To me it’s getting my game face on and doing my best to get through it, whilst making sure my loved ones have a great time. I still struggle with this time of year but I’m getting better every year.
Which of your tracks hear you at your a) happiest, b) angriest and c) most reflective?
A) Home
B) Shacked Up
C) Gold Dust
What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
It’s tricky because I think expectations aren’t helpful, but I guess I would really like it if the songs connected with the crowd in some way. Also love making friends via shows too. It’s a great part of the job having chums around the world
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?
My solo show is the Gibson and a Takemine (better for looping for me), a standard boss tuning pedal and a ditto looper.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
Always changing, always the same.
How do you look after your voice?
I don’t and I really need to start to.
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
The Moustache by Emmanuel Carrère
It’s a really quirky book and I think I could do something great with that. It’s a big dream of mine to write an album to soundtrack a film. Universe.. do your thing!
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
Crowded House, The Beatles, Oasis, Guru, Pet Shop Boys, Counting Crows, Tracy Chapman, plus many others.
Do you have any UK/European live dates planned for 2024/2025?
Yes I’m looking at all that right now in fact! Lots to share very soon!
Do you have any further music releases planned for the 2024/2025?
As above!
Who designed/created the single artwork?
Justina High.
A really talented artist and the sky is the limit for them really!
Was it a difficult song to write?
It wasn’t difficult to write per se. There were lots of emotions coming out when the song was finished, and I realised how personal it was. I’m glad I went that route though
What makes Chris Simmons happy and what makes you unhappy?
I’m a very simple man. I love football (Liverpool fan) and enjoy nothing more than relaxing on the sofa watching a run of games. I love socialising and being around people too, but my social battery is starting to need bigger recharges, these days. I love playing hockey for Worthing HC who are a lovely bunch of souls. I have also started to LOVE walking. I’d love to do two hours a day.

Feature Image Photo Credit: Jo Carter
Single Artwork Credit: Justina High
Singer-songwriter Chris Simmons has launched a heartfelt Christmas single, A Cold December, to support bereavement charity AtaLoss.
‘A Cold December’ is available now on all digital platforms, as well as in CD format with exclusive B-sides, ‘Passing Out’ and ‘The Reasons Surrounding.’ CDs can be purchased individually or in bundles via The Republic of Music online shop.
‘A Cold December’ is OUT NOW on all digital platforms
Purchase the CD here:
For more information about AtaLoss please visit their official website here:
For more information about Chris Simmons visit his official website here: