Denver Cuss Talks Debut Album, Musical Memories And More

Nov 6, 2024 | Interviews

Words by Glenn Sargeant

Photo Credit: Supplied By Artist 

London-based singer-songwriter Denver Cuss has released her debut album ‘Leaving Me’. She very kindly sat down with us to talk about the new record, musical memories and more:

When did you begin songwriting?

I started writing around ten years ago- I wrote and recorded an EP with my band at the time. It was pretty different to what I do now because I was in the middle of a Jazz Performance degree so you can imagine the type of writing I was doing then!

What is your earliest musical memory?

There was always music playing in at least one room of the house growing up. I think I just got used to singing or humming along to whatever was being played, and it grew from there.

You have released your debut album ‘Leaving Me’. How did you want to approach the making of the album?

I didn’t have a strict approach. All I knew for sure was that I wanted to make something soulful and representative of me as an artist.

Where did you record the album and who produced it?

I produced the album alongside my co-producer, PM Warson. I arranged the horn lines, backing vocals, some of the guitar and bass parts, and PM stepped in when we got to the studio and lent his talent for that sweet mid-century sound.

We recorded the album over a few studios, namely The Cube, engineered by Laurie Sherman and Sam Beer sounds, engineered by the man himself.

Do you have any interesting, funny or memorable stories from the album recording sessions?

We once had a studio day booked to track Hammond and Wurlitzer and our keys player was let down by Google maps. He ended up going to an address with the same building number and street name, all the way across London. Still managed not to be too late!

Did you use any special instruments, microphones, or recording equipment to help you get a particular sound/tone for the record?

I think the specific sound I was going for lies in the production and post-production style. In terms of instruments, using a real Hammond organ and Wurlitzer keyboard were pretty special. There’s also a baritone guitar on In the Right Place which was handmade by my guitarist and co-writer Kit’s dad, Chris Warren! That was pretty special.

One of the tracks is ‘River’s Invitation’. What was the story/inspiration behind the track?

That is a cover of a Percy Mayfield song- I can’t take credit for it!

 Was it a difficult album to write?

Because I wrote and recorded the album over a relatively long period of about two years, it didn’t feel difficult in terms of deadlines. My songwriting process is extremely inconsistent in that one song might have taken two months’ worth of sessions and another might come to me in an hour.

Which of your new album tracks hear you at your:

most reflective?

I’ve Come Home is about a trip I took about four years ago with some friends from back in Ireland. It was a rejuvenating trip at a time when I really needed something refreshing and comforting. We stayed in a friend’s relative’s cottage in the middle of nowhere, which was only equipped with the basics. But it brought us back to nature a bit. And I really needed that at the time.

Where Did You Go is about gradually realising that someone has let you down. I think it’s pretty easy for listeners to transplant that onto most situations. I was pretty angry when I wrote that!

I guess I Can’t Dance is pretty reflective. As exuberant as the groove is, it reflects on a period of uncertainty and anxiety, during a time when it may have been a little easier just to pretend that everything was going according to plan.

What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?

I always aim to illicit some type of physical response to my music! Usually that’s a nod of the head or a tap of the foot. A few times it’s been people singing my lyrics back at me, which feels wild for such a new album.

I also like the idea of being able to transport listeners to wherever I am when I’m performing. I like to take them with me, and if they feel that too, then that’s a successful gig.

Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?

My ideal line-up is a rhythm section (guitar, bass, keys and drums), two backing vocals, baritone and tenor sax. There aren’t many effects to use if you’re making 60s R&B/ soul music- I keep it simple. I usually have my guitarist use standard reverb and tremolo on a Fender Deluxe amp.

Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?

I grew up in a town called Tramore, county Waterford in the southeast of Ireland. Tramore literally translate to “big beach” from the Irish “trá mhor”. The five words I’d use would be fresh, hilly, picturesque, historic and artsy.

How do you look after your voice?

I don’t smoke and I avoid dairy. I’ve also become quite good at opting out of talking if I feel a sore throat approaching!

You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?

Oh wow, I don’t know! Definitely something set in the 60s, whatever it is.

Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?

Vocally, I love Irma Thomas, Ruby Johnson, Curtis Mayfield and Smokey Robinson. If you don’t know those musicians, get to know them!

Who created/designed the album artwork?

Kerstin Holzwarth designed the LP and CD covers. I came to her with a colour scheme and some typeface I liked, and she did an excellent job. The front cover of the LP is a still from my music video for Leaving Me, shot by the talented Luke Shenton-Sharp.

Do you have any live dates planned in the UK/Europe in 2024/2025?

I have a few things in the pipeline for 2025, but there are lots of moving parts so it’s difficult to say. Once things are booked, I’ll be sharing official tour dates.

What makes Denver Cuss happy and what makes you unhappy?

A tour of Europe would make me very happy!
Things that are unequal and unfair make me unhappy.

Denver Cuss

Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By Artist

Denver Cuss’s debut album ‘Leaving Me’ is out now.

Proper Records: 


In addition, Denver Cuss will perform at PizzaExpress Live Piano Lounge, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom on Friday 10th January 2025.
