Hannah Grace Is Devoted To The Music

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Nat Michele
Welsh songstress Hannah Grace released her latest EP ‘Devoted’ earlier this year and will be touring the UK. She kindly spoke to us at JLTT:
Your brand new ‘Devoted’ EP is out now. How did you want to approach the making of this record?
I’m so excited for it to be out in the world!
I approached this EP with a really open mind. I wasn’t sure whether I’d be in the position to release music again after my album came out in 2020, but I was writing so many songs that I loved and these 5 tracks just all fell into place and I knew they were meant to be part of collection together.
I recorded it with Ian Barter in the English countryside last summer. It was such a positive experience, I didn’t feel pressure, I was just making it because I wanted to make it which I find is always the best way, and now I feel very lucky and grateful to be releasing it with such a supportive team.
One of the tracks on the EP is your latest single ‘Love Takes Awhile To Grow’. What was the inspiration/story behind that track?
I wrote this song with my really good friend Laura White. She is such an incredible writer. We were talking about how good things take time, and how real love can be an ever-growing journey rather than being instantly perfect. The song is about having that patience with life and love and trusting the process.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
I’m from a small town in South Wales. The 5 words would probably be.
Lush, Nostalgia, Safety, Nature & Peace.
In terms of the writing of your EP, was it difficult to write for you at all?
There were definitely times when it was difficult. These songs are probably the most personal songs I have ever written & released. The hardest thing about being an artist is picking yourself up on the incredibly doubtful days. There always seems to be a million reasons to give up and sometimes they are really heavy. The EP is a reflection of going through that process and making something good as a result.
I wrote ‘At 28’ at home by my piano, it was written for all of the people who were rooting for me and was written in defiance of all the people who weren’t. I kind of just told myself that good things don’t come easy and that’s okay, and it turned into a song.
Silver Lining was written with my good friend Jessica Sharman. We’ve been writing together for years and Jess has been such an amazing mentor to me. The song is about how you can make good things happen by yourself, something I often needed to be reminded of. However, writing is always a form of therapy for me so I’m so grateful to have writing to turn to when things get hard.
How do you look after your voice?
I was lucky enough to study at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. I studied a degree in Jazz vocal performance for 4 years and received intense vocal training for the entire time. It really prepared me to sing full time and I feel well equipped to look after my voice throughout touring, recording and writing. I’m also aware of the effect stress and anxiety can have on my voice so my physical health & mental health are a priority for me. Being well makes such a difference on what I am able to create. I always try to get good sleep, eat well, avoid burning out, and I always keep a jar of Manuka honey in the cupboard.
I remember seeing you performed a few years ago at BST Hyde Park in London supporting Barbra Streisand. How did that opportunity arise and do you have any funny/interesting/memorable stories from that day?
Yes – it was madness! I felt very lucky to be asked to perform. It was one of my favourite days, and definitely a pinpoint moment in my career. It was so strange having a dressing room trailer with my name on it in the same area as queen Barbara. I also remember queueing up for lunch at catering and chatting to her backing vocalists. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to meet her but her limo did drive straight past my dressing room. It was all very surreal. Her show was incredible and is one of my favourite musical memories. She really is a legend.
Do you have any favoured stage instruments/pedals/effects?
I’m a piano girl at heart. Give me a piano and I’m happy, on stage or off stage.
Do you have any plans for any live shows or appearances to support the release of the EP?
I played as hometown EP launch in Cardiff! It was so exciting. It was lush. Then I’m taking the EP on tour this November around the UK! I can’t wait! I’m playing my biggest show to date in OSLO, Hackney – I know its going to be such a special one.
A lot of people would probably have first been made aware of you as a result of your captivating version of Fatboy Slim’s ‘Praise You’ which featured on a Lloyd’s Bank television advertising campaign. What was the reason for selecting that song and how much had it changed things for you?
I was asked to record a version of the song along with other artists, and they picked my version. I will be forever grateful that they did because it honestly changed everything. So many people have discovered my music through that cover and I’ve had so many wonderful opportunities because of it. The music industry can be so tough so I always try and celebrate all of the wins that come my way and this was definitely one of them.
It’s still one of my favourite songs to perform at shows too, I never get tired of singing it.
What makes Hannah Grace happy and what makes you unhappy?
Apart from music – I love food, (pasta in particular) and I am obsessed with my cat (Tullulah), so they make me very happy. The world gets me down sometimes, it can be hard to stay positive, but I think that’s why I stay creative because it can help me make sense of it.
Photo Credit: Nat Michele
Hannah Grace’s latest EP ‘Devoted’ is out now on Frictionless Music. For more information on the EP and live dates please visit: Hannah Grace (hangracemusic.com)