Harriet Talks New Album, Her Voice And More

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Supplied By Dedikated PR
Singer-songwriter Harriet is no stranger to us at JLTT and we are very excited ‘Trying To Get The Feeling Again’ which is released on Friday 4th October 2024. We sat down with her to chat about the album, her voice and more:
When did you begin songwriting?
I think I wrote my first song when I was about 11 years old, and recorded it on a 4 track tape recorder that my dad had. I wish I had a copy of it!
What is your earliest musical memory?
I was always singing around the house as a young child. In all our family home videos, I’m always there in the background, prancing around and singing something or other. I remember Paul McCartney’s Flaming Pie album on full blast, early in the mornings at home, and dancing around the living room with my sister to it.
Your new album ‘Trying To Get The Feeling Again’ is released on Friday 4th October 2024. How did you want to approach the making of the album?
These songs have shaped who I am as an artist and performer so it was important for me to really try my best do them justice. I wanted to find a way to pay homage to the original versions, whilst keeping everything fresh, breathing new life into them.
Where did you record the album and who produced it?
We recorded the album mainly in London at Love Electric Studios with my live band. The process was very organic and I like to think this comes across when you listen to the record. Everyone is there, feeling and experiencing the process together as a whole. And you can hear the musicians behind the instruments. It’s how many of the original recordings of these songs were made, so it felt appropriate to give these versions the same chance to breathe in this way. Steve Anderson produced the album. We have known each other for many years and I trust him. I knew he was the best person to work with on this project. He’s done a wonderful job.
Do you have any interesting, funny or memorable stories from the album recording sessions?
On a couple of the songs, we recorded lots of stacked backing vocals (something I’ve done on many of my records). Sometimes we get close to about 70 vocals layered on top of each other, to get that really rich, ‘fat’ sound. And when we do breathy ones, after a few, I inevitably get the giggles and have to rest for a moment to stop my head from spinning. It’s always very amusing but the result is fantastic, so totally worth it!
Did you use any particular instruments, microphones, recording equipment to help you get a particular sound/tone for the record?
I recorded my vocals for the album on a very old Neumann U87. I actually used the same type of microphone for my last album too. It has of course been restored, but I believe using original parts. When recording the more intimate moments on the record such as All By Myself, I stand so close to the mic, I am almost touching it. This ensures the most amazing clarity. I love when you can hear everything in a vocal… as if it’s right in your ear! My band used a few tricks with their instruments to get that warm 70s sound… but I don’t think I could reveal their secrets. That would be telling!
One of the tracks is Silent Disco. What was the story/inspiration behind the track?
I wrote this song with Anders Hansson in Stockholm. Anders co-wrote and produced many songs on my last album, The Outcome and I love working with him! We both love Steely Dan and Todd Rundgren and Silent Disco definitely draws inspiration from them. The song is about having enough of trying to fit into a mould that everyone expects you to, and finally finding the courage to be yourself and embrace what you love. Much like at a silent disco, where everyone is able to dance to their own choice of music. It’s perfect for this album as it’s what this whole process has been about for me… going back to my roots and embracing all the music I love, regardless of whether it’s considered cool or trendy!
Was it difficult selecting which songs to include on the album? Did you have a specific song selection process?
We started with about 100 songs and whittled it down to these 16. However, there is another list of back-ups… so a deluxe edition of the album could definitely be on the cards! It was so hard to choose as the 1970s was a phenomenal decade for music. 1976 also seems to be the year that many of these songs came out. The main criteria for us was that every song had to be attached to a specific memory for me, and that we felt we could do something different with the song to the original.
Which of your new album tracks hear you at your a) happiest, b) angriest and c) most reflective?
Happiest – I’d Really Love To See You Tonight!
Angriest – I don’t really have any anger in me… but the song I am the most ‘determined’ in would definitely be Mountain!
Most reflective – All By Myself
What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
Moved people; made them feel something and transported them somewhere!
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?
I always use my Neumann KMS 105 microphone when I sing live. I love it and it never lets me down!
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
I grew up in Tring, Hertfordshire. I’ll just say that it was very good to me 🙂
How do you look after your voice?
I try not to talk too much on the day of a show or a recording session. Which is hard for me as I love a long, deep chat!! Talking is so tiring on your voice. And I steam a lot. I find that is the best hydrator for me.
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
I’m not really a reader of novels. I get too distracted. But it would most probably be a psychological thriller, set in the 1970s. Because I love anything set in that era and I love atmosphere and mystery!
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
You just need to listen to my album really! Fleetwood Mac, Carole King, The Carpenters, Barry Manilow, Bread…
Who created/designed the album artwork?
Tom Lawrence (with some help from me!) Tom is a fundamental person in my team. He totally gets what I’m about and always knows how best to communicate my music visually. We had so much fun working on all the single covers for this album, which are all inspired by the original artists’ cover art for the same songs.
Do you have any live dates planned in the UK/Europe in 2024/2025?
Yes! We have just started a 26 date tour of the UK. Tickets are on sale for 2025 now. I can’t believe 2024 sold out in just a couple of months. My fans are amazing! We would love to come to Europe so looking into that.
What makes Harriet happy and what makes you unhappy?
That’s easy… I’m happiest singing of course.
And it makes me unhappy when people I love are upset and I can’t fix it. But music is a great healer, perhaps I need to leave it to the music to sort that out!

Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By Dedikated PR
Harriet’s new album ‘Trying To Get The Feeling Again’ is released on Friday 4th October 2024.
Pre-order the album with signed CDs, art cards and new t-shirt designs all available here: https://harriet.tmstor.es/
n addition, Harriet will be performing the following UK dates in 2024 and 2025:
November 2025
25th – London, Cadogan Hall (support to Will Young)
26th – London, Cadogan Hall (support to Will Young)
27th – London, Cadogan Hall (support to Will Young)
31st – Otley, Courthouse
1st – Melbourne, Assembly Rooms
6th – Southampton, Hanger Farm Arts
8th – Lichfield, The Hub @ St Mary’s
14th – Boston, Blackfriars Arts Centre
15th – Shrewsbury, Theatre Severn
16th – Swindon, Arts Centre
21st – Liverpool, Philharmonic Hall
22nd – Selby, Town Hall
26th – Chelmsford, Theatre
MARCH 2025
1st – Deal, Astor Theatre
8th – Helmsley, Arts Centre
15th – Pakenham, St Mary’s Church
20th – Barnoldswick, Music & Arts Centre
21st – Sale, Waterside
27th – Aldershot, West End Theatre
28th – Milton Keynes, Stables
29th – Poole, Lighthouse
Tickets are available here: https://www.harrietsings.com/tour
For more information visit her official website here: https://www.harrietsings.com/