Jonathan Antoine Talks ‘Jonathan Antoine & Diane Warren By Request: The Diane Warren Songbook Vol.1’

Jonathan Antoine first gained worldwide recognition at 17 with a record-breaking audition on Britain’s Got Talent, which launched his career as a finalist and led to two chart-topping classical albums in the UK. He has released a collaborative record with legendary songwriter Diane Warren entitled ‘Jonathan Antoine & Diane Warren By Request: The Diane Warren Songbook Vol.1 and he kindly spoke to JLTT:
When did you begin performing/songwriting?
I’ve been singing since I could speak. I was shown great kindness in school by encouraging teachers, and by the time I reached High School my ambitions were already somewhere in the clouds. Songwriting I’m still working on!
What is your earliest musical memory?
I can remember dancing around to Adam Rickitt’s ‘I Breathe Again’ in the living room, I can’t have been much older than 5 or 6!
Your new album ‘Jonathan Antoine & Diane Warren: ‘By Request- The Diane Warren Songbook Vol. 1’ is out now. How did you want to approach the making of the album?
I wanted to do something entirely different from anything I’d done before, whilst not losing everyone along the way. I hoped that I could bring my style further into the modern age, moving closer towards the cutting edge, again without causing too much whiplash!
How did the opportunity to work with Diane Warren arise?
She sent me a message on Instagram! I was making a Christmas album, and the producer Gregg Field just happened to have a connection, and before I knew it we had a wonderful Diane Warren Christmas tune on the album! Then during the Oscars in 2021, Diane had worked on “Io Si” for the movie ‘The Life Ahead’ which I made my own version of with her blessing, it was sort of inevitable that we do something more involved together!
Where did you record the album and who produced it?
The album was produced by the illustrious Gregg Field and recorded in Los Angeles at United and Diane’s own studio Realsongs, in London at Abbey Road and SchoolFarm Studios, and I believe there may have been some work done in Budapest as well. We like making a good international album!!
Do you have any interesting, funny or memorable stories from the recording sessions?
Most of the most beautiful moments are almost untellable as stories – these single glances between myself and a member of the orchestra, or the conductor, where either we slipped up or something has gone exceptionally well, and we all simply know what to do in that moment. Those moments of synchronicity, of being bigger than any one man can be alone.
Did you use any particular instruments, microphones, recording equipment to help you get a particular sound/tone for the record?
I’ve used almost exclusively Neumann Microphones for all of the vocals of my professionally recorded and released albums, usually U67 and/or U87 – I’m a very lucky boy!! In general I like to strike a balance between vintage – for instance with the microphones – and super modern perhaps in the monitoring system when listening back and picking up the fine details. Being able to have those options, vintage warmth and modern ‘sterility’ are so useful.
Was it difficult selecting which songs to record? Did you have a specific song selection process?
I do it all by feel. I went through Diane’s back-catalogue and made a long-list of everything that jumped out at me, songs that I recognised instantly or that were pointed out to me. Then I listen through it all, and if a song really resonates with me I will know almost instantly. That’s how I pick my absolute must-haves, but sometimes a song that I may have discounted at first will grow on me and plans will quite quickly change!
Which of your new album tracks hear you at your a) happiest, b) angriest and c) most reflective?
Happiest: I Feel You – it’s a melancholy happiness at first but it becomes something quite grand
Angriest: Til It Happens To You – I implore any of you with a strong enough constitution look up the story of this song
Most Reflective: When I’m Back On My Feet Again – We all get knocked down, and we must all stand back up again. Especially me!
What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
I hope I’ve at least lived up to the audience’s expectations, and that my mum can finally stop holding her breath.
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?
I try not to be fussy, but of course I have my favourites! I love a Neumann KMS 105, and a Shure KSM9, my go-to live-work microphones, both fantastic for different reasons. I used to lug a beautiful Ernie Ball Musicman JP7 on stage occasionally, but I’ve really moved towards headless guitars in the last few years, Strandberg being my personal go-to. I’ll either run that through an AXE-FX II or more recently one of the Neural DSP plugins.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
It’s Hainault in Essex – “Not all that dangerous, really.”
How do you look after your voice?
Don’t use it too much, just keep it in check when I feel the need, and when it’s time to sing, build up slowly. I try not to buy into too much superstition around it all!
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
My first thought is Gravity’s Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon – that would be an absurd film to attempt to be any part of! No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai also comes to mind – such a sordid, almost operatic story.
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
I’ve been very into the band Sleep Token recently, their unapologetic style and willingness to just “do the thing” really hits me, I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to their latest album. I also love Archspire, an incredible Technical Death Metal band from Canada who’s music will sometimes reference classical music, very cool.
Do you have any UK/European live dates planned for 2024/2025?
I’m working on public dates at present, I’ve got a lot of people in a lot of different places who want me to be where they are – and I’d very much like to oblige! Please watch this space, as the paradigm is shifting!!
What makes Jonathan Antoine happy and what makes you unhappy?
In lieu of writing a thesis length diatribe on the nature of happiness and boring your eyes out of your head I will say this: It is injustice, inequity and inequality amongst the brotherhood of man which makes me most unhappy. That each person is the brother of any other whose eyes they might look into, and still they might find trivial things to quarrel and destroy one another over makes me very unhappy. The idea that any person, perhaps even me, can provide even a temporary respite from that cycle and show each person that they are brothers? That makes me very, very happy.
Feature Image Photo Credit: Album Artwork Supplied By Proper Music Distribution Group
The new album ‘Jonathan Antoine & Diane Warren By Request: The Diane Warren Songbook Vol.1’ is out now via Artist Share/Proper Music Distribution Group.
Purchase the album on CD, Download and Stream here:
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