Mark Sullivan – Making His Mark
When we heard Mark’s latest single which blends musical skill with a warm message, we rather suspected that he had been influenced by some of music’s finest… one way to find out – we sounded him out with a set of questions. Enjoy his responses below and watch out for his live performances. Many thanks Mr Sullivan…
Supplied By Artist
Annie Lennox and Newton Faulkner record one of your songs – which one and why might that work?
My track “Bird At Night” I feel would be a good fit. There’s a driven guitar part at the start of the verses so would be nice to hear Mr. Faulkner put his magic to this part, plus on the chorus there’s a double harmony which would be perfect for both of their vocals. That would be one duet, I’d love to hear that!
I miss Michael Hedges – do you?
If it’s the same Michael Hedges I’m thinking about, he is a special guitar player! I’ve never seen anyone play it like him.
What two things have you earned NEVER to do on stage?
Never use batteries in your pedals because you’ll find that at a gig your playing and then your guitar stops making any sound mid song, and never ever ever play a gig without brand new strings, not only do they sound bad, they are very unreliable.
How do you care for your voice? Any rituals?
Yes a couple, I drink lots of fresh lemons,fresh ginger and honey when I’m home from gigging. This helps my voice recover quicker and I also make sure I warm up before gigs and keep myself hydrated.
I swear by Fishmans to amplify all my acoustics – what do you rely on?
I absolutely love LR Baggs. I use them in most of my acoustics. The pickups are rich sounding and give me lots of control over my overall guitar sound, especially when I’m using different effects.
Gibson or Martin?
That’s a tough one. I have a Martin D-15 that I adore and has been my trusty sidekick for many years,however I have just got myself a Gibson 1968 J-45 which is amazing too. They both have amazing yet very varied and different sounds. I just can’t decide! Sorry….
Do you use any open or unusual tunings?
I like DADGAD and drop D the best, or even open G is nice. My song “The Slow Show” is played with drop D tuning, check it out!
Who would be your dream female singing partner on a recording and why?
Wow, there is so many…. it would have to be Janis Joplin. Her voice has a tone and a class like no other, I love her voice and energy.
Freddie, Albert or BB and why? Any favourite albums by all or any of these?
B B King all the way for me. It would have to be “Live At The Regal” I used to listen to this as a kid and wonder how on earth he got that sound out of that guitar. He is a legend!
Which of your songs finds you at your most reflective?
“Bird At Night” is a very reflective song for me. I talk about my life in the song and how I’ve moved forward and made progress in different scenarios of it.
The chorus has a different effect to the verse, In that part of the song I’m talking as if I’m talking to someone sitting next to me.
Paul Simon or John Martyn? And why?
John Martyn for me, he is so underrated, my friend got me into him and the guys voice and guitar playing are sensational.
Do you explain songs’ origin or inspiration when performing live?
Sometimes, it depends on where I’m gigging. Some venues are more intimate than others.
Nominate a great drum intro on a record of any style –
When The Levee Breaks- Led Zeppelin
Can you tell us about your song Take It Back please?
“Take It Back” is a song that has a two sides of a story in mind. I really wanted a souly sound for this track when recording it. In the verse I’m asking myself why? Why do I always seem to mess up? Then in the chorus I’m sort of defending myself and giving advice to the part of me I’m letting go.
Is there a novel that you would like to compose music for, if filmed?
Oh yes! I’ve just read this amazing book called “The Alchemist” it really spoke to me. I’d recommend it to anyone. I’m not sure if there has been a film for it? I hope not!
Did you enjoy school? What song or record reminds you of late school years?
I didn’t really enjoy school, I starting playing guitar at 14 and after that, that’s all I wanted to do. It’s got to be “Scar Tissue” by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I remember leaving school and about to start music college and really excited about it. This song takes me straight back there!
Choose a song that makes you think of the coast, in any season?
“Island In The Sun” by Weezer, this song makes me think of the sea, sun, sand and good times!
Are you preparing an album? Details welcome!
Yes, my brand new single “Warm Your Bones” is released on the 10th March, this song is taken from my EP “Still good for nothing” you can stream it on Spotify and all major music platforms. Just search for me and you’ll find it, while you’re there give me a follow!
You get to open for an artist or act at the Royal Albert Hall…who? And why?
I’d love to open for John Mayer. The guy is inspirational with his groove and guitar playing. His songs are top class and I feel we would be a good match.
Which album grew on you the most, perhaps from initial indifference?
Jeff Buckley’s ‘Grace’, I’m ashamed to say. At first I liked it but wasn’t going crazy over it like everyone else was but then it hit me. one of my favourite artists and albums of all time.
Best rock’n’roll swagger recording NOT by The Rolling Stones?
“Freedom” by the man himself Jimi Hendrix!! I love that guy. That’s such a cool song.
Pete Sargeant
(Many thanks to Mark and Cat)
Mark Sullivan’s new single ‘Warm My Bones’ is released on Friday 10th March 2017.
Mark Sullivan’s new EP ‘Still Good For Nothing’ is also released in March 2017.
You can read our full review of the EP here:
For more information visit the following links: