Orfila – Hittin’ The Ground Running
Three children from the same Kent family take a liking to country influenced music and form an ensemble. Ahead of their Country 2 Country Festival appearance we had the chance to run a few questions past the trio and can present their entertaining responses:
Supplied By Artist
Which one of the ensemble is always late?
To be honest we all have our moments so I think we’re gonna stay diplomatic here and say we’re all as bad as one another!
Name a country album by any artist that you can listen to all the way through? Any favourite tracks?
Matt: There are so many amazing country albums but one that springs to mind is Sinners Like Me by Eric Church. Every track on that is fantastic and has some cool story to it. My favourite tracks are These Boots (what a great concept to write a song about boots and how they accompany you on your life journey), Two Pink Lines and the title track. It’s just an awesome album all round.
Lou: A tough question as I listen to so many country artists and albums. At the moment I’d have to say Little Big Town – Painkiller. I LOVE the song ‘Good People’.
Abi: For me, Taylor Swift – Fearless and my favourite tracks would be You Belong with Me, Breathe and Forever and Always!
Describe your home town in five words?
Touristic, lively, cultured, historic, Southern!
Favoured stage instruments and why?
Matt: Guitar! I’ve had my Gretch resonator guitar a few years now and I love it so much…it’s been through a lot with me! I’ve also recently been given a Yamaha acoustic which I’ve been using a lot recently. It’s got a real nice sound to it.
Lou: I love playing my guitar but Matt plays lead so I also play the tambourine… it’s very country-inspired with ribbons and a rose attached to it. I like to play that as it adds an extra layer to our sound, along with when Abi plays the cajon.
Abi: Grand piano of course! The piano was the first instrument I learnt so I love to play grand pianos whenever I can!
Which of your own songs finds you at your a/ most reflective ? b/most spirited ?
The most reflective song we’ve written is a song called Raise A Glass, which is the last track on our most recent album. We wrote it about our grandpa after he passed away. We got home from his funeral and decided to write a song that celebrated life and how you shouldn’t be sad when someone you love passes away because they’re ultimately in a better place.
Our song Fine Tooth Comb is quite sassy, energetic and spirited. When we were writing it we kinda wanted to write a song that you could imagine the Band Perry or Carrie Underwood singing and the song just came out. When we recorded it we turned it up to 11 and made it quite rocky, which definitely went well with the lyrics.
Pete Sargeant
(Many thanks to Orfila and all of the team at Sonnet Music for help with this interview)
Orfila’s new album ‘Never Slowin’ Down is out now.
In addition, Orfila will be performing the following shows in the UK:
Sunday 12th March 2017 – 3.35PM on Big Entrance Stage (Free Stage), Country 2 Country Festival 2017, O2 Arena, Greenwich, London, United Kingdom
Sunday 12th March 2017 – 5.20PM on The Saloon (Free Stage), Country 2 Country Festival 2017, O2 Arena, Greenwich, London, United Kingdom
Tuesday 18th April 2017 – The Sound Lounge, Tooting, London, United Kingdom
Sunday 21st May 2017 -Orchard Theatre, Dartford, Kent, United Kingdom
Sunday 25th June 2017 – Buckle & Boots Country Music Festival, Manchester, United Kingdom
For more information visit the band’s official website here: http://bit.ly/2lIeOqH