Paul Morricone Talks New Album, Single And More

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Supplied By PR
Singer/producer/filmmaker Paul Morricone is gearing up for his solo album ‘Go Sanction Yourself’ which is released on 19th April 2024. We were intrigued and he kindly told us more:
When did you begin songwriting and recording music?
I started when I was 15 on an old 4-track tape machine, which I loved. I was in a band called Roger’s Trout Farm playing the sax along with my twin brother Steve and doing my GCSEs at school. We both really wanted to be like our older bandmates James, James and Fraser who wrote such amazing songs. My music teacher, Mrs. Scriven who was a wonderful inspiration, encouraged me to compose for my Music GCSE which I managed to do using cheap Casio keyboards, drum machines, saxes and singing. I was trying to sound like the B-52s all by myself on those 4-tracks. For my GCSE I did a song called ‘Concrete Bungle’ as well as a piece for 4 woodwind instruments called ‘Banana’. It took a few years until my songs started getting into the band, and from then I’ve never stopped.
Your new third album ‘Go Sanction Yourself’ is released on 19th April 2024. How did you want to approach the making of the record?
I’ve always written on a guitar for most of my life, usually sat at home with an unplugged electric twanging away until I formulate a song I think can stand up on its own. I have generally rejected complex music tech in favour of a simple approach, but more recently I’d been getting far more into using GarageBand and Logic as a glorified 4-track machine to get my ideas down. This record is a prime example of writing with sounds instead of instruments. I would fashion a motif or musical element by twiddling with the basics on a keyboard in Logic then layer things from there to form a fairly comprehensive home recording of each song. I’ve always got a song structure in mind though – never aimless layers of beats. This record was then a process of taking those workings and adding/replacing everything with a rhythm section and other instruments until it became something completely different.
Where did you record the album and who produced it?
I chose to collaborate with the amazingly talented Stephen Gilchrist at his manor, Brixton Hill Studios. Stephen has always wanted to record my loud band The Scaramanga Six, but instead I turned up to do a solo record. Me, drummer Ant Sargeant and Stephen worked as a trio for pretty much all of this record, with Stephen producing and manipulating the things Ant and I paid down on the home recordings until it took on a life of its own. Brixton Hill Studios is a remarkable place. It is not just a recording studio but a community hub for musicians of all genres to rehearse, mix and create. We recorded during a torrid time for the studios, where Stephen and his lovely gang were battling with an extortionate rent hike and campaigning with the community to stay alive. He won and the wonderful place remains, for the time being!
One of the new tracks is ‘People In My Way’. What was the story/inspiration behind the song?
The inspiration is the notion that there are two kinds of people – those who indicate and those who don’t. This is a song about the latter – and they fall into two types: the first are completely oblivious to their surroundings, incapable of seeing past their own existence there and then. The second know exactly what they are doing, but couldn’t care less about anyone other than themselves. I’m not sure who I despise more.
The track is accompanied by an official music video. What was the thought process behind the video and who directed it?
I am by trade a Video Director. I’ve been working in commercial film for 30 years and run my own production company. For some of my career I’d made a name for myself as a music video director, though these days have been put behind me for some time. You try working with an industry that wants it cheap, good and now. You can only have two of these three things. Still, I like to direct a music video every so often and I’ve got a full production company at my disposal. For the video to People In My Way, we shot a variety of sizes of me performing what can only be described as interpretive dance in one afternoon in our studio. I’ve always been a fan of Gilbert & George, so thought now was the right time to pay homage to their distinctive visual approach but in video form.
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals etc?
The whole idea of the solo shows was to do some thing completely different from being in my band The Scaramanga Six. With The Six, we play guitars and make a complete racket. It is magical and I dearly love playing in that band more than anything else in the world. But, we’ve always got a van full of kit. For solo gigs, it’s just me singing with an orchestra in a box. And more recently, the addition of Ant on the drums over the top of everything. So I’ve been able to turn up with nothing other than a briefcase. I plug in and I’m ready. No effects, no pedals. Just my voice and the sounds of my mind committed to record playing behind me.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
I’ve resided in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire for many years. Five words? Marstons Chicken, Dixons Milk-Ices.
Do you have any plans for live shows in Europe/UK in 2024?
I’ll play wherever they will let me. So in answer to that, I’ve only got a few shows coming up…
Sat 27th April, Vinyl Tap, Preston
Sun 28th April, The Fox and Newt, Leeds
Fri 10th May, The Parish, Huddersfield
If you want me to make an appearance, just get in touch. I’m really lovely and don’t make much of a mess.
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
Every single song I’ve written is a film score or theme to a film. It is down to the listener to figure out which book it applies to.
Which of your new album tracks hear you at your a) happiest, b) angriest and c) most reflective?
I think I’m probably happy, angry and reflective at some point in every song. It’s fair to say there are some very angry songs on this album though, many of which are explicitly about the passive acceptance of the state of our country. I’ve Got You In The Palm Of My Hand pretty much sets this out from the start, which is a protest song about people giving up their right to protest. The album is called ‘Go Sanction Yourself’ and is so called because sanction is a contronym – to approve of something whilst also to condemn it.
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
That’s a massive question as I get influenced by everything I hear. Perhaps there are one or two tracks on this album where a direct musical influence is apparent. But all music has to be influenced by what had preceded it. That’s not always a bad thing. Right now though, I’d recommend going through the entire Song Book album series of Ella Fitzgerald to hear the greatest First Lady of song at her absolute best.
Was it a difficult album to write?
I write in bursts, and in this case I wrote most of it during the time we were waiting to get The Scaramanga Six together to work on out next record. Writing for me is like solving jigsaw puzzles in my head. It is a good brain exercise to fit thoughts together from random moments into a cohesive final form. Other people might do a crossword or soduku. It is not always easy and some puzzles can be a lot tougher than others. But that’s part of the fun.
Who designed/created the album artwork?
The front cover was designed beautifully by artist Ben Holden (@bjthebear). Ben creates massive murals, posters and design for lots of events in and around West Yorkshire. You can immediately recognise his work from the block colours, squiggles and shapes he always playfully works into everything he does. I’ve been a big admirer for a long time. I was able to give Ben a brief, sent him a photo and he did the rest. No amends – right first time.
How do you look after your voice?
Lots of singing seems to be the best way for me to look after my voice. The more I sing, the better it feels. I avoid excessive amounts of dairy near any times I need to belt it out and have grown very fond of oat milk.
What makes Paul Morricone happy and what makes you unhappy?
I’m happiest when I am surrounded by friendship, love and music. Fortunately for me, I’ve been blessed with a lifetime of wonderful love from those nearest and dearest to me, some astounding and enduring friendships and countless musical escapades. I hope I can at least pass on some of the love and music back in return as I amble on in life. Nothing else really matters.

Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By PR
Paul Morricone’s new solo album ‘Go Sanction Yourself’ is released on Friday 19th April 2024 on Wrath Records.
Pre-order it here:
For live dates and more information visit his official website here: