Richard Marx

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Richardmarx.com
One of the singer-songwriters our site holds in high esteem along with Steve Stills, Chris Rea and Leo Sayer is the US writer and performer Richard Marx. As he was part of the first Sunday British Summer Time show in London’s Hyde Park, we sought a brief chat on an afternoon which was pretty busy for him. Nonetheless, we were graciously received by his manager and Mr & Mrs Marx, so we covered what time allowed…and some gig news…
JLTT: Welcome back to London, Mr Marx
RM: Thank you, Glenn – great to be here.
So – Hyde Park, how are you feeling about it?
(Laughs) It’s a nice little intimate gig…I’m excited!
You recently released a new single Another One Down?
Yes indeed.
And you worked on that with your son Lucas? How did you approach that when you were writing and recording that? Anything set in mind or…?
Well..no. I have three sons – all of whom are really good singer-songwriters. I really love what they’re all up to individually. But Lucas and I guess are the most like-minded. Musically, in the stuff that we like, the influences. And so he’s very prolific, he’s writing and producing all kinds of stuff, constantly. For himself and for other people. Each time he would play me a new song, I would just flip out over it. He’s like one of my favourite musical people. All nepotism aside! So I went to him a couple of months ago and I said ‘ should we try to write something, together ?’ He said ‘Yeah -let’s do it! ‘ Now we knocked that song it in maybe an hour and ten minutes, that’s all it took. Something like that. It was a lot of fun to write and then the next thing I knew is that he was at the computer, building the track, coming up with these really cool parts and creating this land- or soundscape that I felt…I didn’t have to try to be anything but me. My voice in that created setting sounded like a brand new pop record..he produced it, I am grateful to him. I am proud of it and I love the song. I’m glad it’s finally out so it can be heard.
One question that my Dad wanted me to ask – were you ever a fan of The Raspberries?
The Raspberries? I never really heard much of The Raspberries, they were a little before my time…early 70s, right?
Yes, correct
In the early 70s I was I guess really into Elton (John) and The Raspberries kind of passed me by..BUT yes I have great respect for the work of Eric Carmen – his solo stuff, so a sort of yes…
Is there a book or novel that you’d like to write the score for? Or is that something that you’ve already done?
(Ponders) I have not scored a film but my music has been used in films, I’ve never scored a film though…now there was a novel that I became obsessed with. A guy called Allan Folsom who passed away a few years ago. His first book was called The Day After Tomorrow – it had nothing to do with the other book. So his novel was one of my very favourite fiction books. If they ever made a film that would be the one for me…
What makes Richard Marx happy and what makes him angry?
(Sighs) Ah!!! Good question! What makes me happy? That woman sitting right there, spending time with my sons. And coming up with new musical ideas! Now..what makes me angry..racism, prejudice, ignorance. Wilfully so. The other thing that makes me angry, especially in the last five years – and maybe this is the result of me getting older! – I think that people have never taken less pride in their professions. I think at least some people are inclined to just phone it in and are not feeling responsible for whatever job it is that they have chosen to do. To the best of their ability.
Final question – off the back of this performance are there any plans for any future UK shows?
(Smiles) Oh yes! 2nd and 3rd April 2020 we have two shows and the Union Chapel in London which are part of a European tour next year.
Well, I want to thank you for this chat.
Thank you! It’s been great…
Richard Marx’s new single ‘Another One Down’ is out now on BMG.
For more information visit his official website here: http://bit.ly/2XC9UKd
In addition, Richard Marx will return to the UK in April 2020 to perform Solo Acoustic shows at the following dates:
Thursday 2nd April 2019 – Union Chapel, London, United Kingdom http://bit.ly/2pqbrpt
Friday 3rd April 2019 – Union Chapel, London, United Kingdom http://bit.ly/2pqbrpt