Tadhg Daly

From Jersey in the Channel Islands, Tadhg Daly is an individual with Irish heritage who has released his debut EP. We sat down and had a chat with him about his new release and the recording process: 

  • Can you tell me about your name? Does it have any special meaning or significance e.g. Celtic, Irish, named after a place you visited etc.

Tadhg is Gaelic for Timothy. I’m from a very big Irish family on both sides and I think it was important to my parents to keep that with me.

  • Your new EP ‘Taghazout’ was recorded at Gilbert O’Sullivan’s Frobisher Drive studios in Jersey. How did this come about?

 Well, I initially started making the record in someones house by the beach with a good friend of mine and producer JP Le Blond but unfortunately we couldn’t get it finished but I still needed to make a record! My manager, Niall,  rang Sam Falle and asked him if he was interested in working on it and luckily he said yes! Sam is now a great friend and super talented producer so it really was a blessing. He works out of Gilbert’s studio when he’s not in Nashville so we recorded it there!


  • What do you like to do to unwind in your spare time? Do you have any interesting or funny stories from your hobby/hobbies?

 Unfortunately my hobbies aren’t amazingly funny or interesting! I love surfing and playing football.. Sports is a huge passion of mine so anything sport related is cool for me. I enjoy practicing yoga and meditation on a regular basis also and it helps quieten the mind!

  • Can you tell me about the track ‘Control Yourself’

 Control Yourself I suppose is a semi auto biographical song about a stage in my life in which I had to over come a number of personal demons and more directly substance abuse. It’s almost a daily instruction and my mantra as I constantly try to move forward in life.

  •  Where are you planning to tour next?

 I have a few things planned this year tour wise but unfortunately nothing I can divulge as of yet!

  • What instruments do you play? Do you have any favoured stage instruments?

Guitar is my main instrument and the one I play on stage. I also play drums, bass and a very pitiful level of piano!

  • ‘Don’t Tell Me’ is a very emotional song. What is the background behind this number?

 Yeah, that’s a real emotional one for me. I wrote the song in Morocco and it inspired the name of the EP as the track was initially called, “Don’t tell me, Taghazout”. Its about going to a totally new place in the world that’s alien to you in every way and seeing a new way of life. In Morocco the people there had a huge amount less materialistic possession than you or I are used to, but seeing them so happy and full of life comparatively makes you realise things about yourself that are quite hard to accept! It was a massive learning curve for me!

Tadhg Daly

  • What was the thought process behind the music video for ‘Control Yourself’?

The idea behind the control yourself video was that of an internal struggle with myself. We wanted to portray duality within ones self in a way and the constant struggle someone can have with their own demons.

  • What music are you listening to at the moment? What is your preferred music format e.g.CD, download, streaming, vinyl. Please explain your choice.

I guess my preferred way to consume music would be CD seeing as that’s how I usually buy it! Right now I’m listening to a huge amount of Lucy Rose, Matt Corby and Nathaniel Ratliff and the night sweats! I’m also listening to a lot of Kirtan music such as “Krishna Das” in the morning to set me up for the day as it really helps to quite the mind!

  • Do you have a target audience for this new EP? If so, why that target audience?

I’d love to think that people from all walks of life could take something from my music and connect with it in some way!

Glenn Sargeant

Tadhg Daly’s new EP ‘Taghazout’ is out now. for more information visit his official website here: http://bit.ly/1XQHYww 

(Thanks to Tadhg Daly and Steve Rose at Emms Publicity for help with this interview)