Third Lung

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Supplied By Artist
Reading based indie band, THIRD LUNG, have been snowballing a UK following on the live circuit so rapidly, that the snowball is now close to the size of a boulder – and Marquee Records have taken notice! We got the lowdown about their take on AC/DC and more:
Could you please introduce yourselves to us by telling the readers your names and who plays what in the band?
“Hi I’m Cams and I play Lead Guitar and backing vocals.”
“Hi guys I’m Tom and I’m Lead Singer and rhythm guitarist. “
“I’m Rob and I play the bass.”
“Hi all I’m Sam and I’m the drummer.”
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
“We’re from Reading. I don’t know? What about ’Bit Of A S*** Hole’ Haha!
Nah, only kidding. It’s pretty much like every other market town/wanna city outside of London. The people of Reading have a wicked sense of humour. Plenty of working class heroes round here. Ricky Gervais is a Reading boy. When I was a littlen I used have to walk past Ashmead School on my way to Christ the King Primary. Those guys were scary. Pure bred Whitley!“
You have released your single a reimagination of the iconic AC/DC track ‘It’s A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock n Roll)’. What was the story/reason behind selecting the track?
We wanted to do something to celebrate Marquee’s incredible heritage and a cover of a song from a legacy band that had played there back in the day seemed a perfect way to do that.
We’re all mega fans of AC/DC and this particular song. Something just clicked and we thought hang on, we can do something really different with this. We weren’t trying to be clever at all. It just felt right.
It was produced by Michael Smith of RYP Studios. What was that experience like and how did you want to approach the recording?
We’ve worked with Michael for some time now on many records. When you work with a producer for so long everything becomes second nature. You know what the other is thinking. We work fast when we’re in a session so we get loads done. We began working on this track at home in our living room and once we were in the studio we finished the structure and arrangement there and then with Michael. It’s all about capturing those Magic Moments
Do you have any favoured stage instruments/effects?
Don’t really have a single favourite instrument or effect, although we (Tom and Cams) both use Space Echo for delay. We used the real thing on a studio session with RYP a few years back on another record and fell in love with the awesome analogue delay the space echo uniquely achieves. From there on out we both found room on our boards for the pedal version. For me (cams) it’s a must have.
How do you look after your voices?
Cams would say that I never stop talking so I guess I’m well trained at this point. Apart from the sarcastic comments from my supportive band mates. I quit smoking. I run to open all 3 lungs up. I keep well hydrated before a show and if I’m gonna have a beer before a show to take the edge off I’ll limit it to 1. Sometimes 5. Depends how nervous I am.”
Third Lung has signed a record deal with Marquee Records. How did that opportunity arise and do you have any future music release plans lined up?
We were invited to open the Wigwam Awards at The Bedford, London in January. We had won Best Band of the Year before and were introduced to the Marquee team there. We’re cooking up something as we speak.
What music/artists are Third Lung influenced by?
We’re take inspiration from tons of different genres to be honest. Case by case. I’ve been heavily influenced by the indie rock scene throughout the 90s and 2000s.
I loved Queen, Foo Fighters, U2 straight out of the gate. My tastes moved into more folk/pop arenas later on with Bruce Springsteen, Ryan Adams, James Vincent McMorrow and Holy Holy. I’m always drawn to the emotionally raw and vulnerable singers.
I’m all about the big songs. Everything from Elton John to QOTSA to Herbie Hancock.
I love drum and bass and have a guilty pleasure for Taylor Swift. Well I do!
You have received a substantial amount of radio airplay from the likes of Radio Wigwam and Steve Lamacq. How important has that been for Third Lung and what are your thoughts on the current state of the music industry as a rising band?
We’ve been very fortunate. It’s very important for any band. What you find is building up a band, it’s like spinning multiple plates all at same time. Sometimes your live show plate starts to wobble so you need to pay it closer attention. Then the bands social media plate needs a spin or two to keep it up. It’s a lot of juggling and hard graft. That’s all you can do. Reach out to the world with your art and see how it connects. Sooner or later you start getting “Lucky” and you gain the breaks that are essential for any artist to break through. Although I’m not sure I believe in luck exactly. More like when opportunity meets preparation. We’ve just got to make sure we’re ready when the chances come. “
What makes Third Lung happy and what makes you unhappy?
“We happiest when being kept busy!! Nothing worse than a band with no target to aim at. What’s the saying?? Idle hands are the devil’s workshop!“ – Sam
All Photos Supplied by Marquee Records/Artist
Third Lung’s latest single ‘It’s A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock and Roll)’ is out now on Marquee Records.
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