Cage The Elephant Announces June 2017 UK Shows.
Kentucky band Cage The Elephant consisting of lead vocalist Matthew Shultz, rhythm guitar Brad Shultz, Jared Champion on drums and Daniel Tichenor on bass have announced two live shows in the United Kingdom for June 2017.
The band will call in at Nottingham and Cardiff, amongst their European festival run. Tickets are on sale at 9am on Friday 31st March 2017.
You can watch the official video for ‘Cold Cold Cold’ in this article.
Glenn Sargeant
Cage The Elephant’s new album ‘Tell Me I’m Pretty’ is out now.
For more information visit the band’s official website here:
The June 2017 UK Tour will stop at the following venues:

Tuesday 27th June 2017 – Rock City, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Wednesday 28th June 2017 – Tramshed, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom