Heart and Soul
CD single – Schnitzel Records
This Midlands rock group formed some five or six years ago, their last single was a stormer and this latest cut ‘Heart and Soul’ is apparently from an album due soon and entitled ‘ Mindwaves’. I for one can’t wait to hear the new collection and when it, er..’drops’..are you supposed to say ‘drops’ this week ? – it’ll be straight on to my turntable for likely repeat plays. Really, this is the sort of act that will sound better roaring off fresh vinyl , their electric guitar sound and edgy vocals having a tinge of classic UK rock combo’s like The Action or The Creation. The big trap of being a veteran writer is only liking the stuff that reminds you of your youth – the conservative approach. But like Temples (who I saw last week) this does have a punch that will draw in new young listeners ( bombarded as the poor saps are by a chart which is a deluge of camp synth pop and lame rapping) thirsting for something to punch the air to and – ahem – rock conneisseurs who know commitment and honed skills when they hear it…
Andy Crofts is a sharp writer thankfully not having the Weller fetish that infects the younger moddy bands – I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a Warren Zevon fan (and I hope he is ). Here, he has slashing guitars over a GlamRock stomp and crisp horns that is impactful and catchy, with its descending chord tread after the verse .A hint of Bowie solidifies as the song batters on..’I would like to be, set free’ goes the lyric and love has crashed, evidentlyfor the singer. A tinny trilling guitar rides out the fade and a wobbling electronic wave dies. Splendid stuff ! and SO radio-friendly..if radio would only wake up and DO ITS JOB ! they should rush a copy over to Miami Steve van Z for his rockin’ radio show in the States and I thank them for mine. The Moons deserve to tour with the Jim Jones Review or the New York Dolls – they are that good
Pete Sargeant