Tag: Hoagy Carmichael
Paul Millns – A Little Thunder
The cover shot has Millns looking like a repo man at the end of an aggravating day, but we know better than to judge a book…this release brings us fourteen numbers from Paul, in the company of a full range of instrumentalists to complement the singer’s keyboard work.
Read MoreErrol Linton – A Case In Point
Our man Pete is scooting around London today but happily a window has been agreed to meet up with singer and harmonica stylist Errol Linton, to talk about his brand new and mainly self-penned album Packing My Bags. Helpfully we are joined at the chosen hostelry by band keys player Pete Zivkovic and a relaxed chat ensues…
Read MoreTommy Emmanuel – Accomplice – One
An offshoot of the Mascot label steps up with a 16-track offering fronted by ace guitar man Tommy Emmanuel.
Read MoreNorah Jones – Day Breaks
The more that Ms Jones lets her jazzy side through, the more natural and satisfying her music becomes. This doesn’t in any way preclude popular appeal and on this showing just adds depth and moreover colour to the compositions and range of the record.
Read MoreThe Zombies – Still Got That Hunger
The Zombies Still Got That Hunger (Cherry Red Records) That the original Zombies were here and...
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