Kayla Marque Talks Songwriting, New Album And More

Mar 8, 2025 | Interviews

Words by Glenn Sargeant

Photo Credit: Katie Langley

Vocalist and songwriter Kayla Marque has released her latest album ‘Midheaven’ and she chatted to us about the new record and more:

When did you begin songwriting?
I began writing songs at age 18 when I dropped out of college to make music but I had been writing poetry since I was a young child.
 What is your earliest musical memory?
Fantasia is what comes to mind. It was the first movie I remember watching at age 4. I just remember being in awe of the vibrant animation paired with the symphony and to this day it is one of my favorite movies. It imprinted on me and I think it has a lot to do with my visual aesthetic.
 One of your new tracks is ‘Heartbeat Chemtrail’. What was the inspiration/story behind the track?
So this song goes deep…I am 6 years sober from alcohol, and when I wrote this tune I was at a point in my sober journey where I felt so hyper aware,  exposed and raw. I started drinking when I was 15 so I had gone almost 15 years using that as a coping mechanism when navigating big, heavy emotions…trauma. Learning to cope without it kinda felt like getting a root canal without any anesthetic and the process of rewiring my brain and rebalancing my chemistry was incredibly terrifying and uncomfortable. I was learning to identify and regulate my emotions – the process was messy, the toxins were coming to the surface for everyone to witness. Heartbeat chemtrail was my way of processing that and releasing it.
You have also released your third studio album, titled ‘Midheaven’. How did you want to approach the making of the album?
With this album I had an intention of getting out of my head and back into my body. My previous project Brain Chemistry (Left Brain/Right Brain) was so cerebral and I needed to reconnect with my physical body. I approached it from a place of curiosity, pleasure and whimsy – really just allowing myself to play and explore without restraint.
 Where did you record the album and who produced it?
I recorded Midheaven at The Spot Studios in Evergreen Colorado with Glenn Sawyer and Rich Veltrop. My sister, Summer Dion also co-produced 4 of the tracks!
Do you have any interesting, funny or memorable stories from the recording sessions?
LOL not anything I can share without embarrassing anyone, including myself. I may share some moments I recorded on my Instagram soon, sometimes I like to invite folx into the process.
Did you use any particular instruments, microphones, recording equipment to help you get a particular sound/tone for the record?
Ooof that is a question for Glenn, I am not tech savvy and thankfully I have found people who just understand me and know exactly what to use to bring my vision to life. That is a blessing! I don’t speak in technical terms, I say things like “I want this part to sound blue” and Glenn typically knows exactly how to actualize that.
 Was it a difficult album to write?
This album was cathartic and a pleasure to write and create. It was the most liberating body of work I have made and the process was a reflection of that, I was in flow. It was a much needed departure from the pain that birthed my previous projects.
Who created/designed the album artwork?
My dear friend and art professor Zoid (Benjamin Burney) created the cover of the album and my friend and favorite photographer Katie Langley shot the photo that is used on the back. I added the text myself with the guidance of my creative director Tina Danielle.
 Which of your new album tracks hear you at your a) happiest, b) angriest and c) most reflective?
At my most blissful, ‘Nights’
Most reflective, ‘Remember’ it is an interlude that I originally wrote as a poem
Anger is something expressed in this body of work, but discomfort and disorientation is present in ‘Retrograde’
 What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
I intend to allow myself to embody the spirit of music and for my energy and vibration of the music to provide healing and inspire those that are in communion with me at the show.
 Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?
I’m simple, I love electric guitar, and my guitarist Enmanuel Alexander is somewhat of a genius. He has a pedal board and as I mentioned before I am not tech savvy so I don’t know what each of them are, but he knows the sounds I like and is a master…we call him pedal god hahaha. As far as effects, I LOVE reverb on my voice and delay. I like to sound as ethereal as possible.
 Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
Earthside, I am from Denver. But cosmic origins…I’m from the ancient future.
 How do you look after your voice?
I could do better at this, but I drink aloe vera gel, use a humidifier and engage in spiritual practices that help to keep my throat chakra balanced. I need to add vocal exercises to my regiment and would love a vocal coach to help me maintain and improve my vocal health.
 You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
Oooooh this is a fun question! I read a lot of personal development books hahaha but my favorite book is The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and I would love to compose a sweet, dreamy soundscape for an animated film adaptation of that!
 Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
I grew up in a household that was playing gospel, jazz, R&B, Funk, Pop and Hip Hop and much more! Some of my influences include Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Selena, Whitney Houston, Imogen Heap, Daft Punk, Sade, Miguel and obviously Earth Wind and Fire!
 Do you have any live dates planned in the UK/Europe in 2025?
There are things in the works, but nothing that I can speak on at the moment. I definitely plan to come back to the UK. London is where I kicked off my Acoustic Midheaven tour on August 30th and I cannot wait to return!
 What makes Kayla Marque happy and what makes you unhappy?
The setting sun.  The ocean. Nature. Laughter. Snacks. Dancing. Longboarding. Daydreaming. Hot tubs. Art. Perfume. Summertime. Traveling. My bliss comes from feeling liberated…in harmony with BEING. Injustice and harmful leadership is something I deeply dislike and rebel against.

Feature Image Photo Credit: Katie Langley

Kayla Marque’s new album ‘Midheaven’ is out now.

Listen Here: https://kaylamarque.hearnow.com/