Billy J. Kramer Talks New Album, His Career And More

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Supplied By Lisa Davies Promotions
Celebrating 60 years since his appearance on ‘The Ed Sullivan Show’, Billy J. Kramer has released his new album ‘Are You With Me?’ He very graciously spoke to JLTT about the record, his career and more:
When did you begin songwriting?
I used to co-write songs with other people, until I wrote Liverpool with Love,
to help get Brian Epstein into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
What is your earliest musical memory?
A Liverpool female singer, Leta Rosa who sang, “How Much is that Doggy in The Window?”
Your new album ‘Are You With Me?’ is out now. How did you want to approach making the album?
I had songs that I had collected over a period of time that I had in mind should
I have the opportunity to make an album; apart from “My Sweet Rose,” (writPerholtz) and “I Couldn’t Have Done it Without You” (written by Mark Hudson, Mark Mirando and Gary Burr)
Where did you record the album and who produced it?
I recorded the album at ABBEY Road Studios, Studio 25. It was produced by Jeff Perholtz and Laurence Juber.
Who were the musicians who were on the album with you?
Steve Holly and Joe Bellia on drums, Alan Thompson and Bill Clnque bass guitar, Jeff Alan Ross and Jonathon Colbert Bell Liao and Jeffrey Kornfeld on piano, Jeff Perholtz, Laurence Juber, Peter Calo and Mark Bakmen on guitar.
What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
That I have pleased the audience and I gave a good performance.
One of the tracks is the single ‘I Couldn’t Have Done It Without You’. What is the story/inspiration behind the track?
Mark Hudson called me and said we talked about a song a while ago and I’ve written it. He said it’s “Do You Want to Know a Secret? Referring to Brian Epstein, George Martin, The Beatles and everybody who’s helped you over the years.” I immediately thought it was a great song and perfect to include on the CD.
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?
Simply just a six string guild acoustic. Although, recently My Sweet Rose bought me a Paul Reed Smith parlour guitar that I’m also quite fond of.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
Liverpool, UK. Friendliest people on earth.
Given your extensive back catalogue is it difficult picking a setlist? Do you have a specific song selection process?
I make my set list according to what type of venue it is. It’s mostly something old, something new and songs I really like to do.
How do you look after your voice?
I try to do vocal exercises and I have tracks I sing along to. Also, I don’t drink or smoke.
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
Shawshank Redemption. I thought it was a great movie.
Who designed/created the album artwork?
Justin Lucero used photos taken by Rose Steagerman and Jeff Perholtz and created the incredible album cover. Sam Steagerman came up with the font and how “Are You With Me?” is designed.
Which of your tracks on your new album hear you at your a) happiest, b) angriest and c) most reflective?
“My Sweet Rose” makes me the happiest, I’m not angry about anything, The most reflective is obviously, “ I Couldn’t Have Done it Without You”
You have also released your autobiography entitled ‘Do You Want To Know A Secret?’ How did you find the experience of writing the book and looking back through your career and music?
A lot of soul-searching a lot of digging deep
This year is the 60th anniversary of your iconic performance on The Ed Sullivan Show. What are your memories of that experience?
It was exciting! I knew it was a wonderful opportunity, but I was overwhelmed by the thought of 77 million people watching, scared me.
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochran, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Mel Haggard, Elvis Presley and so many more from that time.
Do you have any live dates planned in the UK/Europe in 2024?
I would love to to tour the UK
Was it a difficult album to write?
I wrote “Peace of Mind” and “Be Kind Emma,” the rest were songs written by other people. “Jealous Guy,” written by John Lennon, I did as a tribute to him because it’s one of my favourite songs.
What makes Billy J. Kramer happy and what makes you unhappy?
Making music, making people happy, enjoying themselves. Violence/gun violence, war, any abuse, hunger, homelessness, illness, cruelty to animals, underprivilegedness.

Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By Lisa Davies Promotions
Billy J. Kramer’s new album ‘Are You With Me?’ is out now on Bootle Music.
Purchase The CD here:
For more information visit his official website here: