Hannah Grace – With You All The Way

Singer-songwriter Hannah Grace has a new single ‘With You’ out now and she sat down with us at JLTT for an exclusive chat and you can read it below:


Supplied By Artist


Can you please tell us about your new single ‘With You’

I’m so happy that ‘With You’ is finally out in the world! I wrote it with my good friend and regular co-writer Jessica Sharman.

We wrote it about wanting to reach out to someone who seemed lost, and accepting that sometimes you just need to simply let someone know that you’re there if they need you. The song has become even more special to me since I’ve recently realised how many people are there for me when I need them – so its kind of a thank you to all of my amazing friends and family.


Where is your hometown and please can you describe it in five words

I’m from South Wales, near a town called Bridgend. I love where I’m from. It’s cosy, beautiful, friendly, rainy and lush!


You are on Never Fade Records which is the record label of your friend Gabrielle Aplin. How did that friendship and collaboration come about?

Myself and Gabrielle have been friends for years now and we met through music. We had lots of musician friends in common, like Hudson Taylor and Orla Gartland and we were all part of this amazing supportive community.

I started touring with Gabrielle and so it all happened very naturally. We always loved to sing together so lush to finally collaborate properly last year and release our Christmas EP ‘December’.


I saw you open for the American band Train at the Eventim Apollo in London when you toured the UK with them. What was that experience like for you and do you have any special memories from those shows?

That tour was amazing! I had so much fun – performing live is my favourite thing. The guys in Train were so welcoming and supportive of me. It was a great experience – getting to play to thousands of people every night. A highlight was getting up and performing with them – it was so nice to be asked.


Do you have any favoured stage guitars or other instruments?

I love a Martin acoustic (although I really need to practice!) – at the moment I write most of my songs on piano so piano is my main instrument love.


How do you look after your voice?

I just make sure I warm up properly and warm down, stay hydrated and never smoke. I’m quite nerdy about looking after my voice – but I couldn’t be without it.


Name a song that makes you laugh (intentionally or otherwise!)

The first one that came to my mind is ‘Delilah’ by Tom Jones. Because it is always being sung by drunk Welsh people whenever I hear it!


How is 2019 shaping up for you in terms of future releases and live shows?

I have so many new songs to share. I’ve been writing and recording constantly for the last two years so I definitely have lots of new music! I’m working on a special project that will be out in March and I will also have some headline shows to follow!


Which of your songs has you at you’re a/most reflective b/happiest and c/ angriest?

‘With You’ probably has me at my most reflective – it has that happy/sad vibe that makes me grateful and hopeful.

Happiest is probably a song I haven’t released yet called ‘Closer’ – it was a kind of upbeat song that I’ve always wanted to write and I love it.

At the moment I can’t think of any songs of mine that make me angry – but there’s still time!


Glenn Sargeant

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(Many thanks to Tom at Wilful Publicity and Hannah for her answers)

All Photos Supplied By Artist except photo of Sir Tom Jones which is credited to Rob Blackham/Blackham Images 

Hannah Grace’s new single ‘With You’ is out now.

To listen to the track, read more about it and download go here: http://bit.ly/2Dn8bBD

For more information visit her official Facebook page here: http://bit.ly/2UhV0Ht