Jerry Joseph Talks New Album, His Voice And More

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Supplied By PR
US artist Jerry Joseph has released his album ‘Baby, You’re The Man Who Would Be King’ and he chatted to JLTT about making the new record:
You have released your new album ‘Baby, You’re The Man Who Would Be King’. Who did you work with on the album and how did you want to approach the record?
I recorded with Eric Ambel in NYC and as always , I’m interested in the producer’s vision and how I can help realize it.
The first single was ‘The War I Finally Won’. What is the story/inspiration behind this track?
The first song I wrote in a batch of songs is always easy chords and not being critical.. it was a book on my kids bookshelf.. so I stole the title.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
La Jolla California – listen to The Beach Boys for clarity.
Do you have any favoured stage instruments/pedals/effects?
I’m not a tech guy my fans would tell you it’s all about when I’m playing my black Strat!
How do you look after your voice?
2 packs of Marlboro and bikram yoga .. hopefully not at the same time.
Which of the songs on the new album hears you at your a) Happiest, b) angriest, and c) most reflective?
That’s hard for me – I don’t listen to my own records. Carmin Miranda might be a little too revealing.
Was this a difficult album for you to write at all?
Well, it was Covid so everybody was stressed. I think it’s always difficult writing music … the truth is difficult .. and I try to be honest.
What makes Jerry Joseph happy and what makes you unhappy?
I’ll defer to my therapist .. he’s $150 a hour .. and I’m not sure even he knows. My kid make me happy.
Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By PR
‘Baby, You’re The Man Who Would Be King’ is out now on Cosmo Sex School Records.
For more information visit his official website here: