Kris James Talks New Single, Musical Influences And More

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Lena Schnekenburger
Kris James, the dynamic UK-based singer-songwriter, is once again pushing the boundaries of musical innovation with the release of his new single “Hold On”. Kris spoke to us about his new single and more:
When did you begin songwriting?
I actually didn’t start songwriting until I was about 16. Initially, I just loved to sing, but then I started to hum melodies, which I found really strange. I teamed up with a couple of friends who were musicians, and we started to write! I wouldn’t say the songs were successful, but they were definitely worth listening to by my family, who I would play them to over and over again, lol.
What is your earliest musical memory?
My earliest musical memory was when I was forced to sing “The Rainbow Song” in the school play as I was the only one who could actually sing a tune! So I got up in front of everyone and their parents and sang “The Rainbow Song.” I was very happy; it was from that moment I knew I was going to be a musician!
Your new multilingual single ‘Hold On’ is out now. What is the story/inspiration behind the track?
“Hold On” was written by myself and my mate Stewart. We initially wrote the song about having that special person in your life, your ride-or-die, the person who always has your back no matter what. That person you can get through anything with, especially given the state of the world at the moment. However, as we were writing, we decided to slightly change the meaning to bring everybody together and remind humanity of what we’re here for. The way the world is at the moment, I felt like the world needed a song to hold onto, so to speak, pardon the pun! The video aligns well with the meaning, and I’m super happy with how it turned out. Of course, all of our songs are always open to interpretation; I want each person to find a special meaning in them in their own way.
Where did you record the single and who produced it?
This song was recorded at the famous Motor Museum Studios, which was owned by Andy McCluskey. It’s now owned and run by Al Groves, who actually worked with Andy back in the day! We recorded with our engineer and producer Ben Harper, then sent it over to Sky Adams to be finished. We generally send the song around 70% complete, and then Sky adds his magic, which takes it to a very commercial radio level. The studio we record out of has had bands like Oasis, The 1975, and Arctic Monkeys, among many others. It’s an amazing historical studio and really helps with the writing side of the music.
What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
People say I’ve got great energy, so when I go on stage, I like to give everybody lots of energy! It sounds weird, but I just get so energetic being on stage singing to thousands of people. The first thing I want to instil is energy; I want to come off stage and for the audience to feel energised by what they’ve just seen. Secondly, I hope to convey hope and happiness through my music. Hopefully, the audience finds a new artist they can listen to in moments of sadness or happiness. My record is for everyone, whether they want to have a dance in the kitchen or a cry on the sofa!
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones, etc.?
I absolutely love my in-ears; they are custom-made. They are purple, which is my favourite colour, and the outside is a deconstructed watch! I absolutely love watches; it’s my hobby to collect them, so I thought if I was going to get my ears made custom, I wanted to have my favourite colour and a watch design. They are amazing, and I love them. Also, I love my own microphone, which is super cool and has never let me down. I also have an M45 Retro, which is probably the best guitar I’ve ever had the opportunity to play!
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
My hometown is Liverpool, and I would describe it with these five words: passionate, creative, musical, diverse, lively.
How do you look after your voice?
I warm up every day, even if I’m not singing, just to keep my voice in check. I do not like to be in loud bars or restaurants with my friends, as you can imagine. You don’t realise the strain you put on your voice when you’re shouting over music in a loud bar, so I keep away from that, definitely a month before singing at a concert. I steam my voice every day and drink Throat Coat, an amazing herbal tea made from slippery elm. I would recommend this to anyone who is singing!
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
I would choose to write the score for a film adaptation of Haruki Murakami’s “Norwegian Wood.” The novel’s nostalgic and introspective tone, set against the backdrop of 1960s Tokyo, offers a unique opportunity to create a deeply emotional and atmospheric soundtrack. The story’s themes of love, loss, and the search for identity can be musically expressed through a mix of melancholic piano melodies, acoustic guitar, and subtle orchestral arrangements. Additionally, incorporating elements of 60s rock and folk music would capture the era’s essence, enhancing the film’s immersive and poignant experience.
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
Obviously, I would start with The Beatles. I mean, who doesn’t want to listen to one of their amazing records? I’ve actually recorded at Abbey Road, where they recorded one of their albums, which was mind-blowing for me. I’m very emotional! My music tastes range from jazz, pop, classical, and rock, so it’s a very diverse mix, but I would say to people: pick up any Beatles record; they’re all amazing! John Mayer is an unbelievable singer-songwriter. I love all of his music and am inspired daily by him. Also, Harry Styles—what a guy! I absolutely love him, and since the band, he has really come into his own. One of my favourite artists at the moment is an artist called Joji. His song “A Glimpse of Us” is beautifully written and breathtaking to listen to, especially if you’re going through a breakup. Wow, my heart bleeds when I listen to that song! Have a listen; trust me, you’ll end up crying, haha.
Do you have any live dates planned in the UK/Europe in 2024?
Yes, we are actually on tour in November with Lulu, which I can announce now, even though the poster is not up. So very excited for that. There’s also talk of going to Japan, and I cannot believe that. I am actually jumping up and down with excitement.
Do you have any further music releases planned for 2024?
A few more singles and then hopefully my second studio album in September this year! Omg, I’m super excited.
Was it a difficult song to write?
A song that was difficult to perform and still listen to this day wasn’t so hard to write because of the time I was writing about being in a relationship. It was new to me because I hadn’t been in a relationship for such a long time. I met this person and was head over heels, so I wrote a song called “Forever Forever,” which is about finding that person you want to last forever, hence the chorus “forever forever!” The saddest thing is, we are no longer together, which breaks my heart daily. Maybe one day we can get back together, but who knows? I just think in that situation, we were the right people at the wrong time! Let’s see what the future holds.
What makes Kris James happy and what makes you unhappy?
Life makes me happy—waking up in the morning every day with gratitude in my heart and a healthy body. Everything else is a bonus. Also, when we get a great song that is given to us by the universe, I love it. I cannot wait for you all to hear this new record; that’s going to make me really happy. Dark chocolate makes me very happy. Things that make me sad are losing loved ones and war. I write songs so people can listen and feel better. A lot of the songs are now being geared more towards the way the world is, very similar to my new single “Hold On.” We all need to remember what we’re here for. We all need to love each other unconditionally and just get on with this thing called life! Big love, everyone.
Feature Image Photo Credit: Lena Schnekenburger
Kris James’s new multi-lingual single ‘Hold On’ is out now.
For more information visit his official website: