Eduard Shyfrin of Shyfrin Alliance

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Supplied By Lisa Davies Promotions
When you’ve had a career as successful as Eduard Shyfrin and, at 63, are nearing retirement age, you might decide to go travelling, put your feet up. Not if you’re Eduard! He has launched his first album ‘Upside Down Blues’ with his superb band, SHYFRIN ALLIANCE. He took time out of his schedule to talk about the record:
When did you begin songwriting and recording music?
Autumn 2022
Who is in the Shyfrin Alliance and what do they play?
Shyfrin Alliance is a music project, organised and financed by Eduard Shyfrin , it plays compositions(music, lyrics) written by Eduard Shyfrin, vocals- Eduard Shyfrin and guest singers -Lizzy Parks, Tommy Hare,
the info about the musicians is on the Shyfrin Alliance web site.
What is your earliest musical memory?
Since my early childhood I remember jazz music, played in our tiny apartment
Your album ‘Upside Down Blues’ is out now. How did you want to approach the making of the album?
That was my first album, I didn’t have any connections in the world of music, so I offered my vocal teacher and brilliant jazz singer Lizzy Parks the position of General manager of the project, Lizzy organised everything.
Where did you record it and who produced it?
We recorded in Paris, studios-Barillet, Grand Armed, Ferber
One of the tracks is the single ‘Unconditional’. What was the story/inspiration behind the track?
At certain stage I decided to take public speaking skills lessons, during one of the lessons my tutor, Kate Gilbert, offered me to go back in my thoughts to the apartment where I was born and to describe the interior.
I was born in the semi-underground apartment, which had one room and a kitchen. We were six people in one room, me, my parents, my grannies. I went back in my thoughts and recalled everything, but more to that, I was overwhelmed by the feelings of warmth and unconditional love. I came back home and in 30 minutes wrote the lyrics and music of Unconditional.
Do you have any live plans for 2024 in the UK and Europe?
I didn’t think about it yet.
What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
I did my best and sent the message, the rest is beyond my control.
Who created/designed the album artwork?
Very talented artist Remi Sologo from Paris.
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?
Piano, guitar, saxophone, drums.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
My hometown’s name is Dnieper, Ukraine-hardworking, intelligent, cultural, well planned, splendid.
How do you look after your voice?
I take vocal lessons every week.
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
Which of your new album tracks hear you at your a) happiest, b) angriest and c) most reflective?
Happiest-Unconditional, angriest -Whiskey Blues, Upside Down Blues, reflective-Lockdown, Bridges of Paris, Cheval Blanc Blues
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
Jazz-Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, George Gershwin. Role model-Bob Dylan. I adore Eric Clapton, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, music of Ennio Morricone, Nino Rotha.
Was it a difficult album to write?
Difficult and thrilling.
What makes Shyfrin Alliance happy and what makes you unhappy?
Happy when I think that I reached the state of Holism( when the whole is bigger than the sum of it’s parts), I try not to be unhappy.
Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By Lisa Davies Promotions
Shyfrin Alliance’s new album ‘Upside Down Blues’ is out now:
For more information visit Shyfrin Alliance’s official website: