Lu.Ci Talks New Single, Her Voice And More

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Supplied By Dedikated PR
Singer-songwriter Lu.Ci has released her latest single ‘Jealousy’ and she kindly sat down with JLTT to tell us all about it:
When did you begin songwriting?
I began song writing at a young age around the same time I was writing poetry so I was about 12 yrs old.
What is your earliest musical memory?
Singing Whitney Houston’s ‘I Will Always Love You’ to my mum and dad in their kitchen.
Your new single ‘Jealousy’ is out now. What was the story/inspiration behind that song?
I wanted to highlight to the listeners that being jealous of someone is simply the desire to do or have they do, a desire within yourself to become what they are. Hence the lyrics “look into your heart and you’ll see” Stop being Jealous and start doing what you want to do.
Where did you record the single and who produced it?
I recorded the single at JBJ Studios and Dan Clarke produced it.
Who wrote the new single?
I write all my own music, all from personal experiences.
Was it a difficult song to write?
I found it quite easy to be honest as at the time I had many jealous people around me so it flowed really easy.
What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
I hope to of given the audience a good show and experience .
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?
My trusty sm58, never let me down.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
Twickenham, colourful, vibrant, busy, musical, arty.
How do you look after your voice?
I use vocal throat sweets and steam on a regular basis. Vocal rest is also important, especially if you have been busy.
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
Alice in Wonderland because I could make it atmospheric and weird. It would be fun.
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
Alanis Morissette, her first album Jagged Little Pill is legendary. Other influences are David Bowie, Rolling Stones, Eva Max, Lady Gaga and Queen.
Do you have any live dates planned in the UK/Europe in 2024/2025?
I have two shows in Sept and planning many more.
Do you have any further music releases planned for 2024/2025?
Yes, I have a whole library of new songs I plan to release this year.
What makes Lu.Ci happy and what makes you unhappy?
Moving forward in life, creating new music, these things make me very happy. Probably the independent musician struggle makes me unhappy, it’s hard to do it alone.

Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By Dedikated PR
Lu.Ci’s new single ‘Jealousy’ is out now. To listen to the song and for more information visit her official LinkTree here: