MATNEY Talks New Album, Songwriting And More

Jun 7, 2024 | Interviews

Words by Glenn Sargeant

Photo Credit: Supplied By Lisa Davies Promotions

American underground metal artist Mike Matney sought out multi-platinum producer/artist Stevie Salas to turn out ‘The Red Neck & The Redman’. Mike Matney chatted to us about the new record, songwriting and more:

Who is in Matney and what do they play?

Matney is Richard Jesse on guitar, Omar Vallejo on bass, Mikke Zeoli on drums and Mike Matney on guitar and vocals.

When and how did you all meet?

Matney the band was the next logical step after Mike Matney and Stevie Salas completed the recording of the ‘The Redneck and The Red Man’ album. The album was recorded in Austin Texas and the band has its roots there is except for Matney who hails from Southwest,Va The whole band is ‘Stevie approved’ and comes from tight knit group of musicians.

Your new album ‘The Redneck & The Red Man’ is out now. How did you want to approach the making of the album?

All out. Getting to work with one of the greatest producers/artist in the business was both exciting and terrifying.

Where did you record the album and who produced it?

The album was recorded at Kevin Gutierrez’s Assembly Line Studios in Austin. I highly recommend it. Kevin is a masterful producer/engineer in his own right having worked with Paul McCartney, Shinedown, etc..But The album was produced by Stevie Salas. Stevie has worked with such greats as Rod Stewart, Justin Timberlake, Mick Jagger, etc . He is a multi platinum artist and his documentary Rumble won the Sundance Film Festival.

You have also released your new single ‘All Fired UP’. What was the story/inspiration behind the track?

All fired up came to being during the pandemic lockdown. The original version was recorded with with some guys online in other countries that were stuck at home too. The song is mostly about getting out. Once it got to Stevie’s hands he rearranged and rewrote it.

Do you have a specific process when you are songwriting e.g lyrics first etc?

Not really. I struggle. I am not a prolific writer. It takes me forever to write a song. Lotsa times I’ll start with a basic riff, sit there with a pen in my hand and stare off into space for a month.

Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?

Not really. In my lifetime I’ve sold and traded off so many great guitars and I bet I could fill a pick up truck with pedals not to mention amps. Much respect to any guitar that won’t go outa tune easy or make my fingers bleed.

Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?

Virginia – Rural, small, sleepy, friendly, modest

Do you have any plans for live shows in Europe/UK in 2024?

Working like a dog to make that happen. If anybody has an uncle in the biz or can get us in a night somewhere feel free to reach out as we would certainly appreciate it.

How do you look after your voices?

Ha! Never been ask that before. Nothing special I guess. Allergies can be pesky though. Truth is I was recovering from Covid when the album was recorded. May be a touch of the gruffness there.

Which tracks on the new album hear you at your a) happiest, b) angriest and c) most reflective?

I don’t think you’re gonna find a lot of anger in my music. I’m mostly a pretty happy go lucky guy, now the reflection part yea. Big Daddy has a lot of self reflection in it, so does Rebell Saint. Lotsa times I’m writing about struggling to try to stay on the right path in this life.

Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?

Hmm… I love all the hot guitar players who are also singer songwriters. I grew up listening to Billy Gibbons, Hendrix, Johnny Winter, etc. There were and are just so many great ones. Here’s you a recommendation check out The Sons Of Liberty’s new album. Great band right there in the UK.

Was it a difficult album to write?

Yes and no. Years went into it. Tons of money, sweat, blood. In hindsight it’s definitely my best work. Working with Stevie has been an amazing experience. I learned so much. As I mentioned in a previous question yes the creative process is hard fought for me but I love it.

What makes Matney happy and what makes you unhappy?

I believe I’m on a mission. Just like the old Blues Brothers Movie. I’m just fine as long as I think everything is moving along fine with that mission, if I hit any kinda snag or resistance then you get the unhappy Matney. I try to avoid that guy.

Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By Lisa Davies Promotions

Matney’s new album ‘The Redneck & The Redman’ is released on Roulette Records.

Roulette Records Website: 

For more information visit their official website here: