Robin Trower – In Real Time
Robin and Pete discuss the new album Coming Closer To The Day, out on Mascot / Provogue as Trower prepares for US dates with his trio. Robin’s creative approach produces a fresh set of compositions, soaked and strewn with his distinctive guitar stylings. He surely remains music’s own Monet or Turner…
JLTT: You’re a busy man, Robin – I ran into Livingstone recently at a gig and he mentioned the project with Maxi Priest…and now, this new RT release!
Yes Pete – very busy ! as I was last time we spoke, I think…and I am working with Maxi Priest on a project, yes
Well I’ve been listening to the new record Coming Close To The Day and you’re really getting more and more into the songwriting, the singing..and it sounds more and more personal with each record.
I agree – I’m in a very productive phase right now..definitely. (Laughs) The songs are pouring out at the moment ! In fact, I’m halfway through writing and preparing the arrangements for my next album, to follow this one..
Diving Bell
It’s a good vocal key for you, the melody is a touch Dylanish, it has the right amount of percussion, that biting wah solo..
Yes, that all works really well, in fact that’s probably my favourite track
It is a bit Dylan, ominous
(Ponders) I do like some of his songs..maybe it just seeps in here and there
Truth Or Lies
Seems to be on a dark rumours theme, this. The jazzy chords are great, could be one for Tina Turner.
That would be rather good ! Truth or Lies, that one was quite hard to pull off, I would say. I love the song, but I recorded it initially and wasn’t happy with it, so I started from scratch again. It’s got quite a strong early R&B slant which you have picked up on. That song is not really about me. I’m writing from the viewpoint of a guy who’s been let down
Coming Closer To The Day
This is so haunting, another great key. The solo is what a sax might play, I often hear that in Robby Krieger…
I add things till – to me – it’s enough, for that song. As you know, the pedals I tend to use are FullTone and the range they have gives me the colours I’m seeking for each number.
“Getting close to midnight..” the dynamics..this gave me that Albert King shiver, Robin
(Exclaims) Great !! I’m glad of that…he is still such an inspiration to me. I mostly keep the volume level on the amps the same and alter the volume from the guitar controls as I feel I want it to build or swell. Maybe I’m not thinking too deeply as I do it ! For that blues mode, it’s part of the armoury. Ghosts is about. things from the past where you didn’t do right in your personal life.
Is Ghosts going to the setlist?
I’m thinking about it. That or Lonesome Road. I’ll rehearse both, Pete and see which works best
Tide Of Confusion
The feel here is so jagged, attacking..we know from Day Of The Eagle this is part of your vocabulary
Yes, I can see that.It was around Bridge Of Sighs that I started to use those tempo’s and the jazzy chords. Just to tweak the moods of the songs. I was using them more and more especially by your favourite, In City Dreams..
The Perfect Wrong
Such an emphatic opening..and it seems the sound of determination
It’s a heavy riff, isn’t it? I think I’m channeling Howlin’ Wolf on that. To be honest.
Sounds very natural, appropriate
Like everything with me it falls somewhere between thinking about it and it all just settling into place naturally, organically. So writing songs and arranging is never plain hard’s just what I do
Little Girl Blue
A very dream-like ambience – one of your has a sort of Leon Russell not-over-busy vibe to it
It’s about a lady who..y’know has had a bad relationship and was let down by it and she maybe needs to give love another chance..Leon wrote such wonderful songs so thanks for the compliment!
Someone Of Great Renown
This one’s purposeful! “ eye of the hurricane” and all
Again, that song isn’t about me, but it’s maybe someone that I’d like to be..that’s the theme running there
Lonesome Road
Stone blues! Would be cool for Buddy Guy
Hmm…Lonesome Road, now I would say..that’s about me touring and asking how long I can go on with it. That’s definitely coming from my heart and head
But with touring you have the Jimmy Dewar and Dave P songs very ably sung by you bassist and then this more recent set of albums and material where you sing..I call it The New Testament
(Laughs) It does mean I can pick from all era’s, yes and not sing myself a few songs in a row. I can pace it. Here, it’s a flowing performance, an elemental kind of thing
Tell Me
This is striking – the loping sound, the lush chording
Inspired by a father talking to a son, but it could apply to any such intimate exchange
Don’t Ever Change
A tinge more desolate..but deep
Don’t Ever Change is an out-and-out love song: a very nice, easy vibe, but still quite soulful..I hope !
Take Me With You
It’s a burst of sound! PLEASE can that go in the set?
I wasn’t thinking about doing it… and I’m not saying it’s not a great track. And I’m glad you like it. I can only put so many new ones in because there are songs that the audience is really keen to hear. I do as we’ve discussed keep keys apart and tempo’s always changing because I think that creates an entertaining show..not least for us, the band!
The record overall is exciting but reflective..
(Sighs)I guess I’m saying that I’m nearer the end than the beginning, But that doesn’t scare me. Not at all. If I went tomorrow, I’d feel like I’d been blessed with being able to achieve an incredible amount as a creative musician.
Pete Sargeant

(Many thanks to the Mascot Label Group UK Office and Robin)
Feature Image and Additional Photography Photo Credit: Rob Blackham/Blackham Images
Robin Trower’s new album ‘Coming Closer To The Day’ is out now on Provogue/Mascot Label Group.
You can read our review of the album here:
You can purchase the album here:
For more information visit his official website here: