The Allergies Talk New Music, Musical Memories And More

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: @Khaliphotography
UK-based band The Allergies have released their new album ‘Freak The Speaker’ on Jalapeno Records along with the single ‘Knock Me Off My Feet’. They waxed lyrical with us:
Who is in The Allergies, what do they play and how did you meet?
We are Rackabeat (Adam) and DJ Moneyshot (Roy) and we met over a decade ago on the festival DJ circuit in the UK – Mainly on the Chai Wallahs stage where we would be closing the show on different days.
We don’t really play any instruments, but rock the turntables and flip samples into songs, if that counts?
When did you begin songwriting?
Before we hooked up, Adam was already making and releasing DnB, and Roy was making hip-hoppy mixtapes and the odd sample-based release for a few indie labels.
What is your earliest musical memory?
Ever? We don’t remember last week! Mmm, we do remember sharing car rides every week to festivals in about 2010-ish, where we bonded over DJing and production as the service stations flew by the windows.
Your new single ‘Knock Me Off My Feet’ is out now. What was the inspiration/story behind the track?
We wanted to make a “classic Allergies” joint, and looped up some trademark soul samples and bolted on big drums and tons of other layers and production touches to make it our kind of punchy.
It’s kind of like a “DJ battle weapon” for lovers of old school funk and soul. It was always going to drop on 45 – We are suckers for sevens!
‘Let Me Hear You Say’ is another track which is accompanied by an official music video. What was the thought process behind the video and who directed it?
The thought process was, “Let’s try and make a video out of stock bboy footage ‘cos this single is coming out soon” (lol). It was something for the Reels, you know?
We sized up some old school footage, but thought it had been done to death, so went with more up-to-date quality video clips. Then we handed all that over with a storyboard and footage of us both clowing about, to our main video guy – Mark from Cursa Media. He’s the digital don dadda when it comes to animating our promo vids.
You have released your new album ‘Freak The Speaker’ which is out now on Jalapeño Records. How did you want to approach the making of the album?
Take it up a notch. Try a few new angles out. Flip some new genres. Bring some new voices and faces into the fold.
So, more serious hip-hop moods with new rap friend, Ohmega Watts. And Afro beats with the almighty K.O.G.
Plus, try and get as much of the one-man-music-machine, MC Andy Cooper all up in this piece. It ain’t no Allergies party without the Andy Man.
Where did you record the album and who produced it?
We made it in our computers, mainly. In both our studios (Roy’s is a kitchen table, and Adam has a custom shed for polishing the sound). Then we hired a few Pirate Studio rooms in Bristol to record rappers like K.O.G and the always magnificent Dr Syntax and Skunkadelic.
Being in the room together and finessing the final flavours really helped add the secret sauce to those tracks.
Do you have any interesting, funny or memorable stories from the recording sessions?
Andy Cooper always wrangles his wife Tina and son Teddy into the recording booth. So, if you listen closely you can hear the whole Cooper Clan running vocals on this album.
Why hire backing vocalists when you have loved ones already eating your food for free and ready to work?
Did you use any particular instruments, microphones, recording equipment to help you get a particular sound/tone for the record?
We used a fair bit of stem separation – That’s when you use online AI subscription services to magically extract layers of audio from samples to isolate things like clean vocals so you effectively have an acapella to chop up and use in your new tracks.
Kinda mind-blowing this future stuff, isn’t it?
Which of your new album tracks are you at your a) happiest, b) angriest and c) most reflective?
We’re most happy on ‘Breakthrough’ – That’s a joy to hear, and all about getting out there and making your mark. Andy Cooper flys a freewheeling and fancy free funk flag on that one.
Then maybe we’re most angry on ‘No Flash’. Ohmega Watts really calls people out and exposes the fakery and fear-mongering in his vocals, and he takes no prisoners from the first line to the last.
And we think we hit our most reflective on ‘Ever Been’. It’s the album cover and really takes a look back at where we’ve been and what lies ahead. Nice tone on that one. Proper thoughtful…
What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
We always want to rock the crowd out of their little cotton socks. And not mess up any complicated scratches on the decks. If we get at least half of that right, we’re happy.
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?
Magma bags for our gear. Decksaver lids for our mixers. And the Pioneer DJMS-11, right in the middle with all its little flashing lights.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
We live in Bristol, baby. And it’s fresh, fly, friendly, funky, and formidable.
How do you look after your voices?
We leave the singing to our main vocal sensation, Marietta Smith, and she uses a small sippy cup full of steam, and she says that helps. She’s even got Andy doing it before his big triple-time rap solos.
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
Do comics count? We’d love to do the late Ed Piskor’s Hip Hop Family Tree. Why? Because it’s the story of the music we love.
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
We both really dig Cut Chemist, Fatboy Slim, Boca 45, Freestyers, Avalanches, Fort Knox Five, Z-Trip and Gramatik.
And would suggest you all check out Dillon and Batsauce, Analog Mutants, Nubian Twist, and The Gaff.
Do you have any live dates planned in the UK/Europe in 2024/2025?
Always. Keep it locked to The Allergies socials for news, as it breaks.
Who created/designed the album artwork?
The master of pen and ink, Toby, from the awesome
Was it a difficult album to write?
It took about two years and some songs had hundreds of hours put into them.
There was about 150 demos, too, which had to be whittled down, so it was a mountain to climb.
So much fine tuning and micro sampling with 70+ layers of stuff going on. It can all be a bit much. Nice to say it’s done!
What makes The Allergies happy and what makes you unhappy?
Making music and imagining people liking it, singing it back, dancing to it, or just making it part of their lives…
And muddy festivals with stages that are miles away certainly makes us a touch miffed. Still, beats working for a living…
Feature Image Photo Credit: @Khalilphotography
The Allergies new album ‘Freak The Speaker’ is out now on Jalapeno Records.
The single ‘Knock Me Off My Feet’ is also out now.
7″ Vinyl & Digital:
For more information visit their official website here: