McGoozer World Premiere Of New Music Video
Just Listen To This has the honour of presenting the premiere of the video accompanying McGoozer’s excellent new single release for you to enjoy. This man has a somewhat intriguing background being related to one of the founder members of the rock band Simple Minds and to renowned singer Owen Paul who you will recall had a huge radio hit with ‘You’re My Favourite Waste of Time’.
McGoozer sports a rich alto vocal delivery that may put you in mind of Maroon 5, Train or even Paul McCartney at times however his lyrical approach is entirely his own. This single comes from a brand new album also reviewed on this site, link below.
We should hear a lot more of this artist and this is our invite to get aboard now…
Pete Sargeant
Feature Image Credit: Kate O’Neill
(Thanks McGoozer and Sam)
McGoozer’s new single ‘Song From The Mirror’ and his debut album ‘Songs From The Mirror’ will both be released by Right Track Records on Friday 15th September 2017.
You can read our full review of the album here:
For more information visit McGoozer’s official website here: