Danielle Morgan
Shy (Single)
This is a single release by an artist with as diverse a background as we at Just Listen To This has come across in recent times – Morgan performs shows which are never the same as previous ones, writes to reflect her own life experiences, plays keyboards, was once in a gospel choir, worked for years in Dubai headlining the biggest music event on their calendar four times, attended the BRIT school, once served in the Met…
Produced by The RealJonSmith and with the song being a Morgan / John Merrigan composition, Danielle’s recent experiences recording at London’s famous Abbey Road Studios seem to stand her in good stead to just create.
On to the track then, Shy being a chugging gritty rocker, starting like All Along The WatchTower and falling into an intense vocal framed by ringing arpeggio’d electric guitar and purposeful drumming. A neat bridge @ 1:33 adds to the ominous feel. The bass is solid throughout. The delivery does emphasise the lyric. It’s pretty catchy, in an early Pretenders way and I imagine Hynde is an influence. The outro is soft and breathy.
Let’s hear an album of this lass? The additional cut No Trace Of You is also haunting, perhaps a touch more Pat Benatar although Morgan’s vocal tone is entirely her own.
Pete Sargeant
(Thanks to Dave and Tenacity)
Danielle Morgan's new single 'Shy' is out now.
(UK ISRC Code : UK-FNj-16-00006)
For more information visit her official website here: www.daniellemorganmusic.com