Debbie Bond
Winds Of Change (Single)
(Blues Roots Productions)
With a career that embraces performing alongside Eddie Kirkland, Willie Smith and Johnny Shines, Bond heads to Tuscaloosa to record a song that winds up at Muscle Shoals for mixing and mastering. She sings, plays guitar, writes material and her multi-instrumental musical partner ‘Radiator’ Rick Asherson – warms the room wherever he goes – who grew up in England assists in creating this number.
The composition is unashamedly political as it faces the problem with our planet’s limited resources and expansive future needs. The Alabama based artist feels the need to speak out about climate change..maybe the orange guy who is occasionally in The White House should take a listen, going by his actions in the last few days…
No doubt Bond will perform this on her massive tour of the UK soon. The song starts with a soft jagged beat and warm, shimmering electric piano. Debbie sings in a slightly quavery voice with a touch of sandpaper. A cool bv’s chorale joins in over the insistent beat and spiky guitar fills filter through. A solemn harmonica wails out giving a mournful vibe to that part of the song which continues over the soft-Meters background. Trebly guitar figures decorate the coda. I think I would have made this a duet. With Gregory Porter, but there’s always the budget to consider. Any profits are going to environmental improvement organisations, btw.
Pete Sargeant
Debbie Bond's new single 'Winds Of Change' is out now on Blues Roots Productions.
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