Elevation Falls
What Will Be
Put together by Hazel Jade Rogers back in 2012, Elevation Falls’ name really does invite mention of ups and downs from sub-editors. This record has core players of Hazel, Christopher Richard Young guitars, Gabriel Greco bass and drummer Darragh Shields, though there are guest performers on various instruments. The recordings were put together in Dublin. The group images on the front have a Lewis Carroll tinge, painting by Fergal O’Connor. I will press play but do not know what to expect…
Opening cut Vultures rides in on a buzzing guitar motif, tumbling bass, crisp drumming and determined vocals from Hazel. It’s edgy stuff, busy and animated though somewhat catchy. Sounds like a set-starter to these ears. The dynamic is classic rock and the guitar solo @ 2:10 has a pinch of wah and Joe Perry attack. She is on the edge of shouting by the end. By contrast, Zombie has a soft stealthy start, all mystery..then the jagged riffs commence, all pinched-harmonic and fuzztone that certainly has Irish rock roots. It’s a bit like Ann Wilson sitting in with Thin Lizzy ! Hence radio-friendly, at least with certain stations.
Dream Of Me has dreamy piano and strings, so we are already visiting several styles. Rogers voice is suitably more languid and the soft guitar on delay. It sounds very melancholy and reflective and likely a stage favourite. Stand Down unleashes squealing wah guitar over a frantic tempo at first then eases back to let the words be heard. The overall vibe is not a great distance from Alice Cooper. Never Be Me is tricky guitar-led stuff with a coven ambience, pushing the composition along. The chorus is strong if a touch generic in its progression. Cheating Woman hits a blues groove with decent harmonica, a latterday Pat Benatar atmosphere and a great inclusion.
Armies Rising is back to the spidery fuzztone mayhem they do rather well whilst Souls Burning gives the drummer some on the intro and an electric gospel outing. Burn is kind of melodic rock ballad and by far my favourite track in this programme.
Take Me Back is a moody twilight effort, the band playing at their best with avoidance of the over-business they sometimes fall into. Proceedings close with What Will Be a laidback and string-embellished vocal treat.
So…a very versatile but driven outfit and an entertaining set of songs. Kid needs to look after her voice, though.
Pete Sargeant
(Thanks to Tom B)
Elevation Falls new album 'What Will Be' is out now.
For more information visit the band's official website here: http://bit.ly/2ocmfVX