You’ve Got Some Nerve
Snew are Californian rockers preaching love and unity and this is their fourth album release. It’s produced by Bobby Owinski and their lead singer is Curtis Don Vito.
First track here UR Freaking Me Out rides in with horn motifs almost like Alice Cooper but with Curtis having a more intense punky vocal style. The bass is well recorded, the drums emphatic, the guitars very Mötley Crüe to these ears, heavy on the squealy wah. On to Holy Hell with again has Alice axework and the singing edging closer to Bon Scott perhaps. Bit of an AC/DC title, ain’t it? Where’s the cowbell?
Acetylene Queen has a jaggedy beat and some slivers of moody guitar, Don Vito going for it. Put Upon bursts into life, again channeling AC/DC as the group drop into a headlong gallop. It’s getting a bit shouty. A sinister guitar riff starts Sharpie and Curtis is off again, punching out the words. You Tell Me is more rock-blues in style but needs a Coverdale type vocal.
Something New Everybody Wants has a sparky intro and is probably the best inclusion here though the singing is too mannered for me. A catchy chorus helps this one happen, it is undeniably a superior rock song and made for festivals, I venture.
Revolution Is A Closed Loop has an electric swagger, singing a tad less frantic. The group sounds totally confident and dynamic, so my favourite cut in this programme.
You’ve Got Some Nerve the title song evokes The Runaways, driving and catchy and could segue into Cherry Bomb!
I never was a follower of early AC/DC and too much of this runs to close to that sound, especially on the vocals. But they attain a tight ensemble sound that does them credit and will get them work and a following.
Pete Sargeant
(Thanks Tom)
Snew's new album 'You’ve Got Some Nerve' is released on Monday 17th September 2018 independently.
For more information visit the band's official website here: