The Tom Browne Band
The Tom Browne Band EP
As some of you may know, JLTT likes to support new and fresh music from upcoming musicians and rising stars alongside the established artists and legendary performers. A clear example of one of the new bands we support is The Tom Browne Band. Based in Guildford. Surrey, this four-piece have produced collection of tracks for their shiny new EP and we decided to give it a listen. So here goes…
‘Grey’ has this rolling acoustic guitar intro as lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist Kiera Browne provides a clear vocal for the track as it builds and adds the well-drilled rhythm section of Josh Brown (drums) and Leon Wayland (bass guitar).
I am really impressed with the production of the track with the call and response lyrics between Kiera and one of the other band members as it adds texture to the sound. It reminds me of material by the American outfit Dada who had tracks such as ‘Playboy In Outer Space’, Information Undertow’, ‘Spinning My Wheels’ and others. The Tom Browne Band have a country blues thing going on but with the addition of a female vocalist which gives the band some dynamic. Mind you, the same concept works for Canadian blues band No Sinner amongst others so all credit TTBB.
Their latest release ‘Regardless’ is a true story based on the life of the drummer Josh Brown and as the band harmonies sing out you can hear the emotion and thought in the lyrics. Lead guitarist Tom Wells has real precision whilst he’s playing and Josh provides a steady groove. The Tom Browne Band should be incredibly proud of this track as it showcases not only their talents as musicians but also their talents as songwriters. This song would benefit from some radio airplay and possibly a sync on a romantic comedy film or television drama.
‘Mr Oklahoma’ has a purposeful Spanish sounding electric and acoustic guitar fusion as Kiera tells the listener about a mysterious gentlemen she met on a night out and his name is ‘Mr Oklahoma’. This is the rockiest number on this EP by far and Wells’s guitar solo just swirls around Wayland’s bass with no trouble at all.
In conclusion, The Tom Browne Band haven’t just picked up some instruments and said ‘Let’s play some songs’. They’ve actually spent a lot of time and effort crafting catchy original songs and making sure that they sound just right on this release. In addition, the production has been incredibly well thought out with none of the band members playing over each other. A strong release which makes me want to hear more material. Exactly what an EP should do. Mission accomplished The Tom Browne Band.
Glenn Sargeant
The Tom Browne Band EP will be released in Autumn/Winter 2016. 'Grey' and 'Regardless' are available to listen to online now. In addition, The Tom Browne Band will be performing at Lost In The Manor and Just Listen To This presents Blogtober Show which takes place on Friday 21st October 2016 at The Finsbury Pub, London N4 (next to Manor House Tube station).
*Please note that The Finsbury and all of the Blogtober events (including Just Listen To This’s night) are 18+ only and although all of the shows are free you need to apply for a maximum of two tickets here:
(Many thanks to The Tom Browne Band and Kieran White for help with this review)