Tag: Tony Bennett

Green On Bluesfest 2018

We had been fishing for a while for a quick chat with BluesFest director and musician Leo Green and as the 2018 event approached, it has happened. If we centered on the Eternal ‘act choices – what IS Blues?’ aspects this piece would never end, so we concentrate largely on the nuts and bolts of the festival

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Errol Linton – A Case In Point

Our man Pete is scooting around London today but happily a window has been agreed to meet up with singer and harmonica stylist Errol Linton, to talk about his brand new and mainly self-penned album Packing My Bags. Helpfully we are joined at the chosen hostelry by band keys player Pete Zivkovic and a relaxed chat ensues…

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Bradley Walsh – Chasing Dreams

This performer is a remarkable bloke. Stand-up comedian, serious actor, comedy actor, top-drawer gameshow host, singer and easily one of the best pantomime leads I have ever laughed at from the carpet next to my seat!

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