Fiaa Hamilton Talks New Single, Her Voice And More

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Supplied By Dedikated PR
British pop artist Fiaa Hamlton has released her second single ‘Rivers In The Night’. We sat down with her to discuss the track, her voice and more:
When did you begin songwriting?
When I was 8 years old, I wrote songs with my mum as a source of therapy for her as I was a young carer and I noticed how calm it made her.
What is your earliest musical memory?
Singing ‘Silent Night’ in church at the age of about 3, I still remember how special it felt to have everyone enjoying my singing voice.
Your new single ‘Rivers In The Night’ is out now . What was the story/inspiration behind the track?
The story of ‘Rivers In The Night’ is about a girl or boy that has finally broken free from being trapped in a relationship that they were not respected in and they are now starting to find their power, learning to take risks and being a bit chaotic, we all have a moment in our lives after a break up where we immerse in the freedom and loose our self to find our self again.
Where did you record the song and who produced it?
It was recorded at Defected Records and Jordan Cosmo and Nick Sheldon produced the track, I’m utterly blessed to have worked on this track with some incredible songwriters and producers, it was such a vibe
Do you have any interesting, funny or memorable stories from the recording sessions?
Yes so the track actually started so so different, it had a Dua Lipa pop groove feel to it and it was fun but it wasn’t suited to my sound so I got together with Nick after the session and we changed the guitars and gave it the country pop feel that I was dreaming to happen! It was super fun when we totally recreated it! Anyway when we did recreate it I was so excited I showed my supporters on Tik Tok live and they were so excited for me that they literally sent me to Nashville to film the music video 2 days after showing it to them! My supporters paid for the whole trip and video and it was one of the most spontaneous moments of my life, I still can’t believe I jumped on plane to the country capital within 2 days of showing this song off and then it was released a couple of weeks later!
Did you use any particular instruments, microphones, recording equipment to help you get a particular sound/tone for the single?
Not really, I do love my JBL equipment though! My headphones come everywhere with me! They were used throughout the session.
Was it a difficult song to write?
No it was super easy as there was so many of us vibing and just giving what we felt, we were bouncing off of each other.
What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
Number one would be to make people have the best time, number two would be for the people to see my whole heart and soul went into the performance.
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?
Yes my JBL dynamic mic, all my equipment has been JBL for a while, they are super good to me and I’ve done a lot of gigs with them! Their equipment is my all time favourite.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
My home town is Surrey and West Sussex as I was born in Surrey but grew up in foster care in West Sussex, both towns are… safe, have beautiful views, a calm atmosphere and great pubs!
How do you look after your voice?
I train with Mad About the Voice and use his vocal tubes and I also have vocal physio with prehab, I’m going to be making some content soon about how I look after my voice because this is something I really do take seriously, head to my Tik Tok to check this out during October!
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
It would have to be ‘Girls In Love’ by Jacqueline Wilson, it’s my all time favourite book! It’s super nostalgic for me.
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
Amy Winehouse and Lana Del Rey are my top icons, I’m truly in love with their raw, natural ability to story tell.
Do you have any live dates planned in the UK/Europe in 2024/2025?
I have a crazy plan that I want to accomplish by 2025 that involves traveling to perform for all of my beautiful supporters around the UK and eventually Europe! But I’m going to keep is hush until it happens, I’m currently working on it! But you can catch me live on Tik Tok every night until it happens.
Do you have any further music releases planned for 2024/2025?
I do! I have one coming next month and a couple around Christmas and New Year! And I’m currently working on an album worth of songs to follow my current releases. There’s no stopping for me at the moment, I’m finally showing the world my songs! I never had the confidence to do this before so I’m keeping the train on the track!
What makes Fiaa Hamilton happy and what makes you unhappy?
Happy is seeing others happy, writing songs, performing and being with my kitten, what makes me unhappy is seeing anyone suffer! It’s breaks my heart.

Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By Dedikated PR
Fiaa Hamilton’s latest single ‘Rivers In The Night’ is out now.
Listen Here:
For more information visit her official website here: