John Blek Talks New Album, Single And More

Words by Glenn Sargeant
Photo Credit: Supplied By EvansAbove PR
Ireland’s best-kept songwriting secret, John Blek will release his new album ‘Cheer Up’ on 6th September 2024. With a new single released in July, we felt that now was the perfect time to talk to the man himself:
When did you begin songwriting?
I started writing back when I was 16 so 21 years ago now which is a little scary to think about. I began learning guitar that year and had no interest in mimicking other people’s playing so I started writing pretty much straight away. I can still remember a little of my first effort. Scraping some power chords up and down the neck.
What is your earliest musical memory?
My father used to have a Toyota Hiace van that converted into a camper at some point. He had a tape deck in there and we would spend a lot of time listening to his cassettes. There was a Willy Nelson duets album that really captured my imagination. I knew every word! Imagination a 5 year old version of me roaring Seven Spanish Angels while Willy and Ray Charles lilt in the background.
Your new single ‘Country Mile’ is released on Friday 19th July 2024. What was the inspiration/story behind the track?
A song for a very good friend and his wife who were having a tough time. Just something small to try to cheer up a couple friends.
In addition, your new album ‘Cheer Up’ is scheduled for release on 6th September 2024. How did you want to approach the making of the album?
In the past I’ve alway tried to be somewhat restrained when producing my albums but this time around we threw everything at it. Just giving each song as much as it could take. I have a drummer Davie Ryan who I always work with, then I recorded strings with Moritz Brümmer & Filip Sommer who came over from Dresden and I travelled to Amsterdam to track backing vocals with Dutch 3 piece harmony group Woolf. I wanted “a more is more” aesthetic.
Where did you record the album and who produced it?
The vast majority of my recorded work has been done with producer Brian Casey at his studio Wavefield Recordings in Clonakilty in West county Cork. I feel like we both developed side by side over the years. We think similarly but differently so we fill in the gaps for one another.
What two things do you hope to have achieved once you have left the stage?
I just do my best to bring that sometimes fleeting sense of togetherness and humanity. I just try to offer a little solace I suppose.
Do you have any favoured stage instruments, effects, pedals, microphones etc?
Yes, for live I use Lakewood acoustic guitars which are incredible! I visited the factory in Germany last year and I’ve been hooked ever since. I use a Neumann KMS105 condenser and just a simple pedal board with a tuner, EQ, reverb and a nice Radial DI.
Where is your hometown and could you please describe it in five words?
Cork City is my hometown. 1. Best 2. Pubs 3. In 4. The 5. World
How do you look after your voice?
I’m having to take more care of it these days. I used to not do anything at all, just go on stage cold and I would be fine because I was so used to playing 6 or 7 2 hour pub sets every week so my voice was constantly tuned in and well exercised. I don’t do that any more, haven’t for over a decade and now so I’m having to do a little warm up. I do a straw warm up which you could look up online if you like. It really works!
You are given the opportunity to write the score for a film adaptation of a novel that you enjoy. Which novel is it and why?
I think if I got the gig to score some Jane Austen film it would make my wife very very happy so let’s go with that.
Who are some of your musical influences? Do you have any recommendations?
Bert Jansch is my guitar hero and I’m a big Wilco fan. I’m not sure about influences on my music to be honest. I do the best I can to just be myself and leave it to listeners and journalists to draw the comparisons.
I would recommend checking out Woolf, Arborist and Blake Mills’ Jelly Road record.
Do you have any live dates planned in the UK/Europe in 2024?
The album comes out September 6th and I’ll be touring in the UK then. Some Irish shows in October and I’ll be heading to Europe in April 2025.
20th – Loves, Weston Super mare 21st – Medina Bookshop, Isle of Wight 22nd – Cafe No. 9, Sheffield 23rd – The Lightship, Blyth 24th – The Book Tree, Pickering 25th – Up In Arms, Biddulph 26th – The Green Note, London 27th – Bluestone Brewery, Newport 28th – Thimblemill Library, Smethwick 29th – Boia gig, St.David’s
17th – Cleere’s, Kilkenny 18th – DeBarra’s, Clonakilty 19th – Triskel, Cork 20th – The Cobblestone, Dublin
Who created/designed the album cover?
I actually designed the cover myself. Cheer Up feels like a retrospective to me so I used lots of old family photos and collage to put it together.
Was it a difficult album to write?
Not really. Writing is both my job and my joy. I love doing it!
What makes John Blek happy and what makes you unhappy?
Good conversation sitting around a table with good people makes me happy.
Currently the treatment of the people of Palestine and their land is making me beyond unhappy.

Feature Image Photo Credit: Supplied By EvansAbove PR
John Blek’s new single featuring Dutch trio Woolf ‘Country Mile’ is released on Friday 19th July 2024 on Bigger River Recording Co. You can pre-save the single here:
John Blek’s new album ‘Cheer Up’ is released on Friday 6th September 2024 also on Bigger River Recording Co. You can pre-save the album here:
In addition, John Blek will support the album release with a September 2024 UK Tour. Tickets are on sale:
For more information visit his official website here: