Tag: Tom Petty

Pete Murray

The Australian songsmith is playing at Bush Hall and we have an invite to see him perform. Opportunists that we are, we offer to arrive early and chat with Murray before the show…thanks Pete for the meet and these informative responses…

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Jamie Williams And The Roots Collective – Diff’rent Gravy

One of the independent acts under the 3ms Music banner, this ensemble has singer and guitarist Williams as spearhead and stars harpist Nick Garner, guitarist Dave Milligan, son Jake Milligan as bassist and drummer Paul Madden. Jamie has a stockpile of own songs. The entire record has no shallow nods to trendiness or fashion, but centres on skilful band playing.

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Christina Martin – Getting To Grips

JLTT had the chance to run some questions past Canadian songstress Christina Martin, whose promoting her latest release ‘Impossible To Hold’. She is something of an original within her field…as you will see from her responses, which we can present now …

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Blitzen Trapper – Wild & Reckless

The enduring Portland rock band recently had a 28-performance run of a musical entitled Wild & Reckless…quite an achievement. And here is an album under that name. It adds new numbers to gems from their catalogue, which seems fan-friendly as a plan.

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Dixie Chicks – DCX MMXVI

Sooner or later a great live act will be tempted to get the best of their stuff out on a CD / DVD set and here is the country-rock trio’s offering on three discs. These performances were recorded on a set of US and Canadian dates and it sounds as though they were fun. Selling 30 million albums must teach you something, in this case it was plainly how to entertain and put together a fine setlist.

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Cars 3 (Soundtrack Album)

The soundtrack to the latest motoring animation family film arrives and like the previous related albums for Cars and Cars 2, you can expect upbeat tunes by various artists that sound fine….er, especially in the car.

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Quinn Sullivan – Driving Forward

Glenn and Quinn met at Buddy Guy’s London show last Summer – here they catch up and talk about the young guitar star’s forthcoming Mascot label album release Midnight Highway. The record covers a lot of styles and moods, enjoy his conversation about it…

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Marcus Malone – A Better Man

Produced by Marcus and engineered by the late and much-missed Roger Cotton, this record is the latest from the Detroit-born blues-rock vocalist, his first since Stand Or Fall. My memory bank recalls that he was one of the many stars who performed at a benefit show where we all turned up and coughed up to help with Walter Trout’s medical costs when he needed a transplant….

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JLTT: I’ve been listening to the ‘Radio Junkie’ single and I think that’s out on 22nd September...

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