Tag: Gibson

Earl Slick In Conversation

High on our target list of musicians we would love to catch up with is American guitar sharpshooter Earl Slick, who we have seen perform with Glen Matlock and the New York Dolls. Of course his work with Lennon and Bowie is key to both these artists’ opera…Ear’s recall is exemplary. So this is two guitar nerds I conversation when Slick’s travels brought him to London…

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Olly Flavell

We caught Olly on a Hue & Cry tour last year. Now we have invited him to complete one of our customised question sets, enjoy his responses and look out for him per-forming near you…

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Glen Matlock – Never Mind The Trivia

I never wanted to interview Malcolm McLaren, the shapeshifting one-time Sex Pistols manager, because as a would-be and sometimes successful manipulator of the media of his day (wouldn’t he have loved Twitter, SnapChat et al?

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Danny Core (Broken Witt Rebels)

Broken Witt Rebels are a four-piece band from Birmingham, United Kingdom who are building up their fanbase with catchy songs, savvy media campaigns and high-profile support slots alongside festivals. With the recording of their debut album nearing completion and an extensive headline Autumn UK Tour looming, we sat down for an exclusive and detailed chat with frontman Danny Core. So sit back, get a drink and read on…

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Joe Bonamassa – Back To The Wood

It’s acoustic album time once more for the American guitar man, as his Live At Carnegie Hall – An Acoustic Evening set is released. Pete and Joe discuss the material, personnel and everything else. But how long this time before the conversation descends into pure guitar nerdery? Read on to find out…

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Quinn Sullivan – Driving Forward

Glenn and Quinn met at Buddy Guy’s London show last Summer – here they catch up and talk about the young guitar star’s forthcoming Mascot label album release Midnight Highway. The record covers a lot of styles and moods, enjoy his conversation about it…

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Mark Sullivan – Making His Mark

When we heard Mark’s latest single which blends musical skill with a warm message, we rather suspected that he had been influenced by some of music’s finest… one way to find out – we sounded him out with a set of questions. Enjoy his responses below and watch out for his live performances. Many thanks Mr Sullivan…

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